Cool Creators: Rebecca Sugar

A role model of sexual diversity in the animation world.

Kat Knight
C & D 2019
4 min readMar 19, 2019


In this series, I will write about many notable individuals throughout the next couple of months that represent the growth of diversity in the cartoon industry. However, the best place for me to start is at the beginning.

Back in 2009, a small creator named Rebecca Sugar started her work on a television series called Adventure Time that ran on Cartoon Network from 2010 to 2018 and caused the show to be nominated for several awards. Some of the awards include:

  • An Emmy Nomination for “Outstanding Short-Form Animated Program”- 2011, “It Came From The Nightoshpere”
  • An Emmy Nomination for “Outstanding Short-Form Animated Program”- 2013, “Simon & Marcy”
  • An ANNIE Nomination for “Storyboarding In A Television Production”- 2012 (award for Sugar)
  • An ANNIE Nomination for “Storyboarding In A Television Production”- 2012 (award for Sugar)

The list above is quite extensive and the executives on Adventure Time noticed and, after multiple promotions on the show, Suger attended a meeting and pitched her idea for a show and in 2011 they got the go-ahead to make a pilot for her own show.

On May 21, 2013, Suger’s pilot rocked the internet after being released on the air formally and a few days before the actual series aired.

Speaking of the Season 1 air date, when the show aired a fandom that was founded promptly after the release of the pilot, erupted and a large community was formed. But, enough about the show.

Sugar has become an inspirational icon for many young people. On a Steven Universe panel at San Diego Comic-Con. in July 2016, Sugar revealed that they were bisexual.

When Sugar came out, a lot of people who were struggling with their sexuality had someone to look up too. Having someone that, first makes wholesome and heartwarming content and, second pushes the boundaries of inclusion in media, is so important to young individuals.

A small anecdote of mine that I wish to share to display just how powerful Sugar’s influence as a role model can be to others.

Back in early 2016, my friend and I were finishing our work on a school project and we wanted to take a break. My friend suggested that we watch television, so we popped the TV on and turned on their amazon fire. While we were on the recommended for you section a graphic caught my eye. A familiar display that I had seen on an add before my family cut the cord. I asked my friend if we could take a look that the program that was suggested and from there we both fell in love with Sugar’s work.

The importance of this story to the article is that as we watched the episodes they showed the dynamics of a not so regular family dealing with regular common issues while in unrealistic situations.

Rebbeca Sugar took influence from her own life to make these wholesome and connectable characters that gave the audience a feeling of warmth and happiness.

After my friend and I had finished the second episode of the series, Lazer Light Cannon, we were completely hooked by the kind father-son dynamic and how the two of them were dealing with grief. When the episode had come to an end we were in tears and both of us felt lucky to have a family.

Stories like those that Sugar writes sets a good example for how we are to treat our family and set an excellent example for the animation community.

Rebbeca Sugar influences a lot of different communities and has helped millions of people recognize how special it is to be alive with a family and she lets us explore who we want to be through her work. Their effort to unite the world for the cause of love through her multiple songs and animated works.

Good role models are very often hard to find in this day and age., but there are a few individuals that are still able to shine through the darkness and provide hope for many.

Thanks for reading!




Kat Knight
C & D 2019

I’m a high school writer so nothing I write is amazing. Do you know who is? My friend @anuncreativetitle