Dream works: Tales of Arcadia, Characters and Diversity

Alexandra Renoux
C & D 2019
Published in
7 min readMay 9, 2019

Tales of Arcadia is a Netflix original trilogy by Dream works. Tales of Arcadia started with Troll hunters, (2016–2018). It was then succeeded by 3 Below, (2018-Present). The final part of the trilogy will come out later on in 2019. It will be called Wizards. All three series will have taken place in a town called Arcadia Oaks, California. Troll hunters were about your average everyday teenage boy who finds a magic amulet in a pile of rubble on his way to school, one day. 3 Below is only one season in, but it starts off the season with three aliens flying from a coup on their home planet and crash landing in a small town on earth. We do not know much about Wizards, yet, but it will have a crossover between trolls, wizards, and aliens. There are many characters in all of the shows, but only a select few are main characters. For Troll hunters, there are five main characters. The one that it mostly focuses on is Jim. The other characters are Toby, Claire, Blinky, and AAARRRGGHH!!! The main characters of 3 Below are Krel, Aja, and Varvatos Vex, all of which are from a planet called Akiridion 5. Meanwhile, in Troll hunters, the place where trolls live, is called Troll market. Troll market is home to hundreds of trolls, all of which are various species.


I will start off with Jim. His full name is James Lake Jr. Jim is a sophomore in high school. His mother is a doctor and his father; bearing the same name as him, left them when he had turned five years old. He starts the series as a very kind, appreciative kid. But, he wants more adventure in his life. He gets his wish after finding a magic amulet that calls his name in a pile of rubble. Little does he know that he will have to protect two worlds with it! The amulet creates a suit of armor and a sword of daylight! Eventually, two trolls show up at his house. They are good trolls, though. One is named Blinky and the other is called AAARRRGGHH!!! After learning that he is the Troll hunter, protector of good trolls and mankind and that he has to defeat evil trolls, he shows his new armor to Toby, who is his best friend. After a few weeks of training, Jim has killed an evil troll or Gum-Gum, named Bular. Eventually, Jim tells his school crush, Claire, that he is the Troll hunter and she joins the team. Jim goes into a place called the Dark lands to save her baby brother who has been swapped with a changeling troll! Jim finds him after two weeks and sends him home before being captured and brought before the leader of the Gum-Gums. His name is Gunmar the Black. Jim is eventually rescued by his friends and is brought home to Arcadia. Eventually, Gunmar escapes the Dark lands and comes to Arcadia to bring about the Eternal Night, which would allow trolls to be out and overthrow mankind! He manages to accomplish this with the assistance of an evil sorceress called Morgana. Once the eternal night begins, Jim has to kill Gunmar, a troll called Angor Rot; a troll assassin, and Morgana.


Toby is Jim’s best friend. His full name is Tobias Domzalski. Toby lives with his nana across the street from Jim. His parents won the lottery when he was two. “To celebrate, they went on a cruise around the world. There was a storm…and they never came back…” (Toby, Part 2: episode 8). He is the same age as Jim. Toby has always had his friend’s back through everything. Toby ends up dating a friend of Claire’s. Her name is Darci. Toby finds out about Jim being the Trollhunter the day after they discovered the amulet hiding under the rubble. Eventually, Toby gets his own weapon. It is a war hammer! It’s red and it burns. It allows him to levitate anytime he wants to. Toby is very sweet and cares for everyone around him. He ends up befriending Claire shortly after she joins the team. Toby was friends with the troll called AAARRRGGHH!!!. He referred to him as his “Wingman.” He destroys Angor Rot with the war hammer before Jim enters the Dark lands. This happens after his beloved wingman dies.


Claire is a very kind and caring person. Her full name is Claire Maria Nunez.Claire’s parents are hispanic Americans. She is Jim’s girlfriend. She joined the team after Jim tells her the truth about her brother; Enrique, and why he hasn’t been at play practice for Romeo and Juliet. At first, she does not believe him, but after a goblin shows up, she freaks out and believes him after he puts on his armor with the amulet. The same day that Toby gets his war hammer, she gets her claimed weapon, called the Shadow Staff. She uses this to travel inside portals from place to place, as well as to track down her friends, when separated from them.


Blinky is partners with AAARRRGGHH!!!, I do not believe they are gay, but it was never confirmed. His full name is Blinkous Galadrigal. He has a twin brother named Dictatious Galadrigal. After he and AAARRRGGHH!!! tracked Jim down after finding the amulet, they worked together to train him. Over time, Blinky starts to see him as more than just his pupil. He begins to see the young boy as “a champion, a friend, a son.” (Blinky, Part 3: episode 11). Jim also sees the blue troll as a kind of surrogate father since his was never around. Blinky becomes the leader of the trolls in Arcadia, after the death of Vendel; their leader who did not like Jim until shortly before his murder. Blinky has six eyes and four arms, which allows him to see a lot more than others, and allows him to hold more things, as well, like books. Nothing has been said about what race of troll he is, but hopefully, it will be revealed later on.


AAARRRGGHH!!! is known for being Toby’s wingman. His full name is Aarghaumont. He does not like seeing his allies in danger, or being betrayed by his fellow Krubera and Queen Ursana, which is the Krubera queen. Don’t let his looks deceive you! He is very strong and is a pacifist. “AAARRRGGHH!!! left the violent path ages ago.” (Blinky, Part 1: episode 2). He used to be a Gum-Gum hundreds of years ago, but changed his ways and left Gunmar’s side, to join the trolls in Arcadia. AAARRRGGHH!!! risked his life to save everyone else, and was turned to stone which killed him. He was resurrected in part 2.


Vex is the commander of the army on Akiridion 5. His full name is Varvatos Vex. Vex is very intense and loves a good “glorious death” (Varvatos Vex, Part 1: episode 6). He says this many times, during the season. His family died during a bombing on the planet, many years ago. As a result, Vex has been wanting his revenge on the Zeron Brotherhood, a trio of assassins. He got his revenge after killing two of them. Vex has been tasked with protecting the king and queen’s life cores, which is their life force, as well as their children, Aja and Krel.


Aja is the Queen in Waiting of Akiridion 5. Her full name is Aja Tarron. Aja is a very quick-witted person. She loves her parents and her younger brother. She trained with Vex to “become a warrior.” (Aja, Part 1: episode 3). Aja and her brother, Krel, go to high school and try their hardest to blend in. Aja would do anything to protect Krel. She falls in love with one of her fellow students in high school, his name is Steve. This happens after she kicks his butt in front of a taco truck. He falls for her, first. Aja cares for everyone around her, as long as they stay away from her loved ones.


Krel, being Aja’s brother, makes him the King in Waiting of their home planet. That also means that his full name is Krel Tarron. Krel is very intelligent. He is so intelligent, that he can hack things, like the mothership that he, Aja, and Varvatos Vex crash landed in. He is also able to almost completely fix the mothership, but it won’t fly. Krel and Aja have an extremely close bond. He will always have his older sister’s back. He loves technology, it seems, almost, if not more, than he does Aja. Krel enjoys music so much that he gets a boombox from a newly found friend, and uses it against some very nasty space bugs that Aja brings to earth.

Hope you enjoyed!!!!



Alexandra Renoux
C & D 2019

I love watching Netflix, superheroes, Star Wars, movies in general, hanging out with my family and friends, drawing, and writing!