CARTT Spotlight: The Team Welcomes Seth Lugibihl!

Dylan Belcher
Published in
3 min readOct 30, 2017

CARTT’S New Tech Co-Founder

The CARTT team added a new face today! Seth Lugibihl will be joining the CARTT family and take lead on all web and application processes for the the on-demand moving/delivery service. With a passion for technology, Seth is driven to deliver great value for our customers through increased productivity, workflow and an overall better customer experience!

So who is Seth? — More than just nice hair and a Crest white Smile!

As a junior studying Computer Science/Systems at Taylor University in Upland, Indiana, Seth has always been fascinated by the processes that make this world a better place. Since his freshmen year at the university, he has been constantly perfecting his craft and learning new ways to make daily life easier for others. During his summers, he has worked as a Network Engineer along with developing Android apps on the side like RandImage an app that sends notifications of photos you may have forgotten you had on your phone and You — Voice Commands (BETA), which allows you to run multiple voice commands at the same time! (Check them out on the Google play Store!) Seth is also in the process of developing a fitness related app.

Same Goal. Same Vision.

Last summer Seth became a software development intern at Ash Brokerage here in Fort Wayne. He is currently working there along with finishing up his studies at Taylor. It was during this internship a part of the Greater Fort Wayne Fellows program, that he met Co-Founder Justin Davis who at the time was his roommate. “When I first met Seth, he stood out to me,” Justin noted. “I learned quickly we had different perspectives, but in the end we shared the same goals and the same vision of where we see ourselves in the future and what we want to do for the people of Fort Wayne, which is what lead Seth to be a part of the movement.”

During his free time, Seth enjoys plucking the strings of his guitar to a harmonious tune at local church and campus events, and kicking back with good friends. He also loves to workout and enjoys a nice run. With his commitment to serving and helping others we are proud to welcome Seth to the team and look forward to the talents he brings to the table. And for those interested in computer science and software technology, be sure to check out his Vlog!

