Casafina Media
Published in
2 min readMay 11, 2020

Let us talk about handling finances as a couple during this period.

I mean, not all of us is dripping singleness. This is one period where a lot of single people wish they had a partner, someone to share the financial burden or pressure with. Not only that, someone to keep you sane, hold your hand and assure you that everything is going to be just fine.

People in relationships are to be admired right now.

However, I will not ignore the fact that this might be a testing period for relationships. Times are actually really hard.

Especially in cases, where one person has experienced a pay cut and the other lost their job, or where one still has their job with full benefits and the other has gotten a slash in their income.

I can only imagine that the definition of normalcy would change. There would have to be a rework on excel and a review of the budget.

In all of these, it is still important to put money aside. SAVE FOR THE RAINY DAY! (Sorry I shouted.) No matter how little. The importance of budgeting cannot be overemphasized now. Spend money on only things you need and cut down all the excesses. Again, Save.

This time has shown us all the importance of having and building our emergency fund. The feeling of having some extra funds to fall back on in challenging times is PRICELESS. Saversclub is here to help you.

We have to do what we have to do. The good book says two heads are better than one, for they have a better reward. Make that count.

We will all get through this, all of us, the single and the boo-ed up.

Have a fabulous week!

