Optimizing The Subscription Experience For Furniture Rental

Kenneth Saldanha
Published in
4 min readAug 10, 2018

For a little over three years now, the coming takeover of the subscription experience has been apparent. Examples of this are all around us, from the near ubiquity of Amazon Prime subscriptions across American households to bleak predictions of car sales despite the improving economy.

Of course, subscriptions are still some light years away from actually rivalling traditional models in the numbers, but they’re now more than just a threat. In fact, in many verticals, all that’s keeping the subscription experience from taking over completely is the absence of a brand that’s made its customers comfortable with giving up the security of ownership. To give you an example closer to home, furniture rental has been around for at least five decades in stores, and close to two online, but still accounts for just 3% of the furniture market.

The reason, of course, is that it’s still stuck in a traditional model built around anything but the subscription experience. At CasaOne, we’re looking to change this by building a flawless experience for furniture rental. Here’s what we’re up to:

Simplifying the Search
Furniture is a big decision and it’s unusual for people to know what their homes need. When we started CasaOne 12 months ago with a barebones site, our earliest customers wanted assistance with everything from the style of furniture that would suit their home to combinations for entire rooms.

Since then, we’ve worked to eliminate the time our customers spend looking for furniture by simplifying the shopping experience. We’ve curated a number of furniture sets in different styles for entire homes or individual rooms; just a few clicks and you’re done. No weekends wasted going from store to store shopping for furniture. No wondering what you need. In three to five business days, your home is furnished.

A complete furniture set for rent

For customers who only need help with shopping, we’ve got an entire section of tips to ensure they find what they need as soon as possible; customers who can’t seem to decide their order but know they need delivery can schedule a delivery free of charge to ensure their plans aren’t delayed by their indecision.

Furniture tips for a one-bedroom apartment

From us to you, without hassle
Whatever the size of the order, our goal is to have the furniture to you inside three to five business days. There are many reasons to rent furniture, but here’s one more — we treat the furniture as our own. So we pick it up and assemble it free of charge. If you need help with maintenance, we get involved there, too. We don’t outsource delivery — our crew is our own and a big part of the reason our customers love us.

Complete Flexibility
The average American will move 11.4 times in one lifetime. When there’s a move, the furniture usually must go, too. At least some of it. That’s why renting is the better option. But many people who buy their furniture do so because they’re not sure the exact date they’ll need to return what they’ve rented, or if they’ll want to keep items past the date, too. We’re okay with any of these. We let our customers move around the pick-up date, give them the option to purchase their order or even just a part of it; if they wish to swap their order for a different set, that’s on the cards, too. You decide.

Furniture is expensive, for both families and businesses. And particularly if you’re uncertain how long you’ll need it for, like to give the home or office a makeover every other year, shelling out full price on furniture doesn’t make sense. At CasaOne, we’re committed to building a future in which you don’t need to save up just to decorate or redecorate, shop endlessly for a style you like or figure out which dumpster to leave that sofa at when you’re done with it. Furniture-on-demand is now done right. Can we take your order?

