The Essential Guide To Setting Up Your Home Office

Kenneth Saldanha
Published in
4 min readJun 26, 2018

A well-designed work space can make or break productivity. Ask anyone with the so-called luxury of working from home and they will tell you that a dedicated space positively contributes to the headspace that lets you get stuff done.

Being a growing company and in the business of quality furniture rentals, we’ve learned a lot about flexible work stations, remote working and keeping enthusiasm and energy pumping even on long, tiring days.

In this article, we’ll cover the necessities you need to furnish a home office and what you need to look for in each piece of furnishing

Office Chair
Your chair is the most important piece of equipment as this is where you will be spending the majority of your time working.

A chair needs to hold you in a good neutral posture — where your feet are on the floor, your hips are positioned slightly above your knees and the backrest supports your lower back so that your spine is not strained.

Ideally, the chair’s armrests should be at a comfortable height so that they lend support when you need but don’t come in the way when working. Get a height-adjustable chair so you can play around with a position that suits your stature best.

Office Desk

First think about the kind of computer you use — desktop or laptop — and then the area you will need accordingly. Does a printer need to squeeze in? Do you do a lot of writing or drawing work that needs elbow room and will you be needing a dedicated light source when working manually? All these criteria will factor in when choosing a desk size. If you need a lot of room, choose an L-shaped desk. For a more compact workstation, a no-nonsense rectangular desk will get the job done.

Cabinets and Storage
Make a rough calculation of how much storage you need. An open set of tall shelves can hold your files and papers without infringing too much on your space. Smaller areas can make do with compact side tables with storage that can fit under your desk, while larger rooms can accommodate full-fledged chests and buffets.

Lamps are a great way to practically accessorize your home office at a low cost. Floor lamps can add a nice touch to your work area while also subtly segregating if it is a part of a larger room. Get a table lamp if you do a lot of writing and drawing. Added light can help with focus and avoid eye strain.

Make It Personal

Take advantage of one of the greatest benefits of working from home — the lack of corporate constraints when it comes to your office decor. Rent some great wall hangings, cushions, frames and plants, to make you feel motivated at work. The best part, you can keep things fresh by swapping items and tweaking your decor regularly.

Create Break Room
A comfortable lounge chair is a great asset to a home office. Perfect when you need to take a break from your computer, enjoy a cup of coffee, take calls or sit and think about the tasks at hand. It also provides an additional seat in case you need to meet clients or colleagues.

Overstock Supplies
After you have your furniture essentials in place, it’s time you get those daily necessities you take for granted in an office together. You don’t want to be running to the store in between a big project. It’s best to stock up on pens, pencils, scissors, stapler, notepads and printing paper.

Useful add-ons
If your home office is a separate room in your home, consider a small fridge and coffee machine to avoid the distraction of heading to the kitchen when you need a snack or caffeine fix.

From our real-world experience, we know that a great contributor to productivity is comfort and environment. We’re sticklers for good lumbar support and comfortable cushioning on chairs. We need our desks to be well-designed and at the right height. We favor table lamps that are adjustable in movement and light intensity.

We also set high standards when it comes to style — a good home office should make you want to work in it, and great looking furniture can lift your mood on those dreary long work days.

Our top priority has and always will be to help in any way we can. If you have any questions or are just looking for a quick furniture pun, please shoot us an email at!

