How Case Management Will Increase Efficiency of Your Legal Department?

Nick Dolm
Published in
4 min readJun 25, 2019

Modern studies indicate that a lawyer’s engagement while at work tends to be lower than that of employees in other industries. One of the top factors that positively impacts engagement is the ability to work at a company that promises new and innovative ideas. was created to solve this issue. The platform performs the operational processes of a law firm and allows a lawyer to focus on what he does best — practicing law.’s case management system can improve your legal department in many ways.

Automated Billing

The employees in legal department became lawyers to practice law, and many lawyers have not been trained to review invoices. Much like lawyers who work at law firms, corporate lawyers do not have time to read and contemplate billing guidelines.

These problems can be solved with e-billing, and that is why so many companies are turning to this technological solution. In 2018, it was expected that the volume of electronic bills and invoices would reach 40 billion worldwidewith a 15% annual growth rate.

The 2018 Worldwide electronic invoicing survey indicates that savings come not only from reducing printing and postage costs, but also from adopting integrated processes for all invoice-related tasks.

With e-billing, a user can track a lot of valuable data, and it could be analyzed to implement better decisions and strategies. It can also help users understand their company’s spending habits and how those habits change overtime. Thus with e-billing, a company can understand how to reduce costs and, ultimately, improve performance in its legal department.

At, the automated invoicing and billing processes are linked; this ensures that operations perform efficiently and only take a few seconds. You can specify a time and, if necessary, select the employee who worked on the task with you for any task in the system. With the help of artificial intelligence, the system studies your behavior, predicts how much time you spend on tasks and suggests appropriate options.

All important indicators — such as salary rates, discounts, and taxes — are taken into account and impact the final bill, which is generated automatically.

This automation allows lawyers to stay focused on their areas of expertise and the company’s true value. They will not have worry about reporting sheet formats or chasing colleagues for updates. As an added bonus — a department will likely find a reduction in the cost of paper as well.

Secure File Storage

Recently, cyber safety and security have become important issues and are very relevant for lawyers. According to statistics, the average cost of a cyber attack on a US internet site is about $5,000. Furthermore, the affected business will incur more costs by the costs of recovery and the other losses the company suffered during the attack. During a cyber-attack, hackers can access vulnerable sites and databases and steal information. They may even demand a ransom for the stolen information, promising to restore processes and decrypt the information. However, it is vital to refuse paying such a ransom, as you will not receive decrypted information and you will lose twice as much money.

In addition to financial losses, attacks can result in a damaged reputation. For example, when the databases of American law firms were hacked, the hackers did not demand money, but the reputation of the firms was under threat. Hackers stole confidential information about company clients. Legal departments should do everything in their power to prevent the theft of data and protect the reputation of their company.

According to a cybercrimes study by Accenture, the most expensive component of a cyber attack is information loss, which represents 43 percent of costs. In legal department, information is the most important asset. is the safest way to conduct any legal processes. The platform is available in the cloud or can be installed on local hardware. All data in the platform is protected by the military-grade protection of AES-256 encryption; this ensures a high level of cybersecurity.

Smart Dealing with Workflow and Caseload

The 2017 Legal Trends Report reflects the average effectiveness of lawyers. This study produces some curious facts:

Lawyers spend only 2.3 hours per day, 29% of an 8 hour workday, on billable tasks.

Lawyers spend nearly half of their day, 48%, on administrative office duties, such as billing, bookkeeping, technology, etc..

To help improve a lawyer’s efficiency,’s case management system has a special, handy toolkit. For example, the program gives users the ability set up auto-fill for certain fields in documents and create tasks or events. A user would only have to adjust the necessary conditions and the script would be specific to your work style, eliminating the minor actions that can be done by automation. If advanced filters are setup, it can help the user avoid getting lost in a daily stream of numerous tasks and events.

These are merely some of the tools from the case management system. There are innumerable legal tech solutions to help lawyers become more efficient and receive more pleasure from their work. According to the Gartner Report, 19% of digital-ready legal departments deliver three-and-a-half times fewer projects with inappropriate risk-taking and two-and-a-half times fewer delayed projects.

