I Made $171.78 in March Writing on Medium — Here’s How

Atif Sharif
Cash Flow
Published in
3 min readApr 14, 2024


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Photo by Takacs Alexandra on Unsplash

I made $116.14 in Feb writing on Medium, and in March, I made more money from writing on Medium.

I made $171.78 in March writing on medium.

I worked so much hard in March and wrote 33 articles.

There are many writers who have made more than $100, but it takes time.

If you’re new and think you can make decent money from the start, the answer is no. I spent 8 months on Medium, wrote over 200 articles, and gained 1300+ followers.

I know this money is not too much, but it encourages us to work harder in life.

I also made some affiliate money promoting Amazon products, which is an extra bonus.

I use Medium and LinkedIn to promote Amazon products and add affiliate disclosure.

I made $41.96 in March 2024 from Amazon Affiliates.

Screenshot by Atif Sharif

I am so happy that I can make money online. If I can do it, then why not you?

Total Amount I Earned in March



Atif Sharif
Cash Flow

SEO & PPC Expert, Content Writer. Helping companies attract potential customers through organic search results. Contact me: https://direct.me/atifsharif