Cashaa Leadership Project Health Update

Cashaa Team
Published in
3 min readAug 8, 2018

The Cashaa Leadership Team is advancing in numerous areas, on which the members updated each other on 30 July in their regular Project Health Update. We are sharing the key points with you, followed with the detailed discussion in the appendix.


Management — Saurabh

  • Transaction process flow diagrams
  • Sprint 2 (Blueberry) Business objective

Business Development — Saurabh

  • Banking partners
  • Other partners

Platform Development — Dhanasekaran/Amjad

QA & Testing — Shibu

Customer Service — Garima

Marketing & Community Engagement — Ritesh

Human Resources — Shibu


Kumar Gaurav, Shareholder & CEO

Amjad Raza Khan, Shareholder & Director — Technology

Janina Lowisz, Shareholder & VP Marketing

Saurabh Jain, VP — Product Management

Priyakant Charokar, VP — Engineering

Dhanasekaran Sukumaran, Director — Project Management

Shibu Thomas, General Manager

Garima Jain, VP — Client Relations

Ritesh Bandari — Community Manager

Time: 2.00 pm — 4.22 pm BST

1. Management — Saurabh

  • Transaction Diagrams for customer onboarding, money transfer, card issuance, crypto deposit and transfer, standing orders, buying and exchanging crypto, KYC services, loans
  • Sprint 2 (Blueberry) Business objectives: Individual customer onboarding and deposit BTC/ETH/CAS

2. Partnerships — Saurabh

  • Banking Partnerships: Updates on documents shared vs documents pending for each partner, detailed report sent to participants
  • Other: Contract for an additional KYC/AML provider in process; Demo completed and testing started with a customer service partner

3. Platform Development

Tech Architecture — Priyakant

  • Presented diagram on core banking system, listed technology options to use for client side, server side, deployment, CI/CD
  • Introduced microservices framework JHipster, used by banks including Barclays, 203 companies in total — see list here
  • Team to get increased training on NFRs, data privacy laws and their code implementation

4. Cashaa Bank MVP Status — Dhanasekaran

  • Initial Analysis of MVP BRD completed
  • Cashaapay-ERC20 Moved to QA on 11th July
  • Cashaapay-BTC development in progress
  • Successfully completed Sprint Apple, Demo given to the Board
  • Team started working on Sprint Blueberry
  • Sprint Cherry Planning in progress
  • All team members working on Cashaa product have been shifted to Bitbucket, Slack, Confluence
  • Team is getting trained on critical areas like security, code sanity and overall infrastructure/architecture as per banking requirements

6. QA — Shibu Thomas


  • API testing for OTC completed (total APIs: 68, executed cases: 220, reported bugs: 32, 24 resolved)
  • Cashaa Pay ERC 20 (total APIs: 6, total test cases: 24, executed cases: 24, reported bugs: 3),
  • Cashaa Bank MVP Functional Test Case draft — 100 cases

Current week deliverables:

  • Load Testing of Cashaa Pay APIs using tool to check the performance benchmark,
  • Expand Cashaa Bank MVP Functional test cases to 150

7. OTC/ Customer Service Updates — Garima

  • OTC: Total CAS sold: 779,146 CAS

Token Distribution weekly update:

July PoS tokens released to 7,845 users

PoS CAS distributed: 31,862,540 CAS

Other CAS transfers: 402,440 CAS

KYC/AML vendor evaluation in process with 4 alternatives to our existing provider

  • Presented established processes for customer complaints + escalation for business and individual users accounts

8. Marketing and Community Management — Ritesh

  • Update on community reactions for each announcement and other topics noted by the community → Community meetups to be held more often in different locations
  • Coming exchange will confirm listing details shortly

9. Recruitment Updates — Shibu

  • Finalised new hiring requirements; establishing process for future hires
  • VP HR and UI/UX specialist hired, will join from 1. August
  • Devops and Java developer shortlisted
  • Engaged recruitment consultant

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Cashaa Team
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