Did your CAS get stolen in past? Don’t worry, we got your back!

Cashaa Team
Published in
2 min readJun 7, 2019

As you know, we proposed a CAS token swap and now our CAS swap voting is in full swing.

In the past days, we received multiple requests from community members, reminding us of their past incidents in which their tokens were hacked, asking whether we can also take any action concerning these tokens.

As always, our community comes first, and we now additionally will take care of your cases to the extent that we can, even if they happened already some time in the past:

To this end, we are now enabling you to report any incidents in which your CAS got stolen. To access the reporting form, click here.

If we encounter any activity where such tokens are coming for a swap, the sender will be asked to proof the source of tokens and such cases will be taken seriously. We will investigate the case and tokens linked to your reports and try to recover your CAS.

If your CAS got stolen, this is your chance. Also please forward this information to anyone in the community you know to whom the same happened.

Please note: We will not be able to do anything if the hacker already sold the stolen CAS to an exchange and any buyer has made the purchase from the exchange. We always advise if you find that your tokens are being sold at exchange reach the exchange’s legal department directly to investigate and catch the depositor.

The Cashaa Team



Cashaa Team
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