Here Are the Best Ways on How to Send Money to India from USA

Cashaa Team
Published in
4 min readMar 22, 2018

How to Send Money to India from USA

If you live in India, and you have friends or family members that are located in the United States, you may want to learn how to send money to India from USA. Sending money from one location to another is much easier than you might think. In today’s article we’ll cover a handful of ways on how you can do it in the easiest and most cost efficient ways possible, so let’s jump in:

Wire Transfers Are Among the Top ways on How to Send Money to India from USA

Wire transfers have been the most popular way to send money between countries for a very long time. You can send money through a wire transfer even if you don’t have access to the internet. No matter what your situation, wire transfers are always going to be an option for you. Sending money via this option internationally will usually take around 3–5 days to arrive on the recipients side, and cost a flat-fee of $40.

With that said, it’s a good idea to determine if wire transfers are going to be your best option. Reason being is because if you’re only sending $100 and it costs $40 to send that money, then that means 40% of your money is going towards fee. We would suggest that anything under $1,000 is not worth being sent via wire transfer. You’ll also want to find out if the time it takes for the recepient to receive their funds is quick enough for the person who you’re trying to figure out how to send money to India from USA to.

Why PayPal is a Great Option if You’re Looking into How to Send Money to India from USA

Sending funds via PayPal is a breeze. As long as the person you’re sending money to has a PayPal account, you should be able to send them money in a matter of minutes. While PayPal can be extremely easy to use, it won’t do you much good if both parties don’t have a PayPal account that’s connected to a bank account. Make sure all of your ducks are in order before you use PayPal to send cash. One great feature about PayPal is that you’re sending funds to friends/family you will not have to pay a fee to transfer these funds despite being able to do essentially the same thing a wire transfer is able to without having to pay a $40 fee, or perhaps greater.

On the other hand, if you’re sending for business purposes then you will have to pay a fee that is typically under or about 2% of whatever the amount is. PayPal in most cases is usually able to process payments in about 2–3 days, in some rare instances it can take longer however this is certainly the exception not the rule.

Other Ways on How to Send Money to India from the USA

While the options above are the most common ways to send money, they aren’t the only options that you have. There are a number of apps and services that were specifically created to help people send money to their friends and family members (Venmo, Cash, Wirex). If you send money frequently, you may want to consider some of these options.

At Cashaa we’re always striving to educate our community on the many benefits of cryptocurrency and blockchain, which include: being able to send money abroad in the quickest, safest, and least costly way possible. Cryptocurrency is indeed changing the way the world works and communicates, and does business. If you’re looking for ways to send money to India from USA, you now have a good number of options to make your decision on.

If the person on the receiving end is familiar with Bitcoin, Ethereum, and how to convert FIAT to cryptocurrency by buying these coins it may be a great option. Of course you can do the same thing with Cashaa’s own CAS token on our exchange. Be sure and bookmark this page and share it with your friends if you’ve found it helpful. We look forward to delivering more regular cryptocurrency, blockchain, and Fintech related insights to you soon.



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