Hungarian Bank eyes investment in Cashaa

Cashaa Team
Published in
2 min readJan 23, 2019

Dear Cashaa Family,

The new year for us started with great news from the 4th-biggest commercial bank of Hungary, MKB Bank. We have been pre-selected by MKB Fintechlab to join the Accelerator programme with an investment in Cashaa after the selection competition held between 9–11 January in Budapest. We are grateful for the selection and investment opportunity which the bank offered us.

MKB Bank, founded in 1950, is the leading digital bank in Hungary, which makes it a great fit for us to support their mission. Like us, MKB believes a collaboration between the old and new world is the key to success for better services for customers as well as to drive digital transformation of financial services. The opportunity is offered by MKB Fintechlab, the country’s first Fintech Lab which is holding their 3rd annual programme.

With this programme, MKB is building a community of exceptional talent, building partnerships to co-create, and supporting startups with investment. MKB has been one of the most active Fintech investors in the CEE region, with so far 12 investments in 5 countries.

Our Co-Founder & VP Marketing, Janina Lowisz, participated in their selection camp and presented our solution to bridge the traditional banking and the cryptocurrency revolution. Our strong focus on compliance and consumer security, which we see as some of the main factors to bring cryptocurrency into mainstream, has left a great impression and made our way to this success. However, we are thinking about declining the offer for the equity investment and remain a community-driven company. Meanwhile, we remain interested to help MKB Lab with our products for mainstream adoption of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies.

What do you think about the offer? Would it be a great opportunity to get traditional investment, or should Cashaa stay the way it is? Let us know HERE.

We are honoured that established banks like MKB are recognising us as an innovator and want to be the part of the company. Last year in October, we were selected as BBVA Open Talent finalist, where the second-largest Spanish bank invited us to be included in their prestigious BBVA Open Summit, and we were presented as one of the leading startups from Europe at Money 2020, Las Vegas.

The Cashaa Team

The Next Generation Banking Platform

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