Trade CAS directly from Cashaa Wallet on Binance DEX

Kumar gaurav
Published in
2 min readApr 21, 2020

Dear User,

“CAS” next-generation banking token got direct access to the national payment systems on a decentralised network. Now all CAS holders can buy and sell CAS directly from the Cashaa wallet.

No more complex Binance DEX registration

Buy CAS directly in GBP, Euro and INR

Sell CAS directly for GBP, Euro and INR

With this integration now all the business and personal users waiting to buy/sell CAS can do it from Binance DEX order book without having any account there. Users can buy or Sell min 100 CAS from the wallet and amount must be in the multiple of 10 CAS.

As you were aware that Cashaa’s BEP2 gateway has linked Binance Chain with the UK Faster Payments (FPS), Single Euro Payment Area network (SEPA), National Electronic Funds Transfer (NEFT), Immediate Payment Service (IMPS) as well as Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunications (SWIFT) for countries where the local network is not integrated.

We have placed a limit of 100,000 CAS buy and sell (each) per account for every 24 hours. This is not a system limitation, but as this integration is one of the world’s first integration of a banking network with any DEX, we wanted to make sure that we have the right tools to monitor it, under a controlled environment. The limit will be removed from 30th April 2020.

Please let us know your experience of buying and selling directly from Cashaa wallet, and post a video demonstrating the feature to get a free CAS token of $50 each on Twitter for the 10 best explanatory videos.

Happy trading !!

The Cashaa Team



Kumar gaurav
Editor for

Kumar is a serial entrepreneur who was awarded an extraordinary status by the United States government. He is the CEO of Cashaa and Chairman of Auxesis Group.