6 Tips To Creating Invoices That Will Get You Paid Faster

Cashflow Electronic Invoicing
2 min readSep 13, 2017

Business owners wear many hats as their customers can sometimes take multiple months to pay their invoices. Surely, managing debtors and following up on invoices also takes time and resources.

However, the prompt payments must be balanced well by quick invoicing, effective communication and reminding clients when they owe you. As you go, cashflow e-invoicing can help your business through all of this more quickly and reliably.

The tips below will guide you on how to get this done:

Send out invoices promptly

Cashflow creates invoices quickly to present your customers online. You could offer discounts to those customers who pay within a set time limit. For instance, offer a reduction of five percent if they pay the invoice within five business days of issue.

Look professional

Build a nice brand by customizing your invoice with business logo. While it may seem unimportant, adding lines like “Thank you for your business” and “We appreciate your timely payment” positively builds the relationship you have with a client. Be nice, and they just may return the favor by paying on time. In fact, it has been revealed that a simple “please” or “thank you” can increase your chances of getting paid.

Easy to understand item/products list

Be clear about your product and services added to the invoice. This helps your customer relate well with the invoice thus prompting payments.

Be approachable

Include a note with additional information and a thank you message at the footer of your invoice. This gives your invoice a personal touch and builds relationship with your customers

Get it right the first time

Your first invoice speaks a lot about your business to the customer. Ensure that you do a preview of your invoice before sending it to avoid delays in payment caused by going back and forth.

Reminders are your friend

Set up friendly reminders for unpaid invoices to keep your customer. On top of that, Cashflow platform allows your clients/customers pay via a secured payment gateway to receive payments faster.

The truth is, if you want to process your invoices smoothly and get invoice paid on time, using an online invoicing platform enhances capabilities to reach this goal. So why don’t you sign up on Cashflow using this link https://www.cashflow.ng/ today!



Cashflow Electronic Invoicing

Cashflow is an e-invoicing platform that lets you send e-invoices and get paid on those invoices straight into your bank account. Visit www.cashflow.ng today!