My First Three Weeks at Cashify!

Vishesh Sahni
Cashify Engineering
3 min readOct 8, 2018

It’s 4th of September on the calendar and 11:30 pm on the clock, its been three days since I left my previous job. I’ve only been in the city of Gurgaon for two days and a meager couple of hours here at Cashify.

You must be wondering — “What’s Cashify?”

Cashify is India’s biggest re-commerce platform where customers sell their used electronic items and get actual cash in return. Wonderful, isn’t it?

So, what am I doing here? Well, I have joined Cashify as a Senior Business Analyst.

Lovely! I, having completed all the paperwork, with uncontrollable excitement and a pinch of nervousness wait for the HR personnel to escort me to the main office. Five minutes later, I walk in and — cut to present — I have not looked back since.

Work Work Work

From exchanging pleasantries to summarizing my first three weeks at Cashify right now, I feel like I have come a long way. Cashify and the people here have this surreal power of making you feel at home.

Cashify Floor

Everyone is approachable — for anything. Do you have a doubt? Go talk to the manager. Are they not available? Alright, talk to your ‘buddy’. They will not only introduce you to the people but also help out with anything and everything that you do not understand. Such is the culture, here at Cashify!

So, your buddy is on holiday? Just talk to your colleague sitting next to you, they’ll help you out or put in you touch with someone who will. Be it a marketing related query, a website related suggestion, a data related anomaly — the openness with which people at Cashify approach you and your doubts is immensely commendable. I have had chats and sessions around marketing, products, search engine optimization, design, and what not! All this in my first three weeks at Cashify. Sometimes I feel I have been here for three months!

Every day is new!

Another thing that you find at Cashify is that your designation in no way restricts the work you do. On my business card, I’m a Business Analyst, but in just three weeks I have dirtied my hands in various other departments. So far I have visited the warehouse which overwhelmingly handles tonnes of cell phones, I have made on ground pick-ups where I spoke to the customers directly and understood their point of view. I also had multiple conversations with product managers regarding any idea under the sun, and I’m writing this article (duh!). All in just three weeks.

Let’s take a break?

All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. This adage is taken quite seriously at Cashify. The first time I was on a lunch break in the Cashify canteen, I was pleasantly surprised seeing a bunch people waiting eagerly to play table tennis. From a carrom board to an XBOX console for those who are not into ping-pong — the space is dotted with various activities for people. The FIFA enthusiast in me was overjoyed when I walked past the console and saw two chaps playing Arsenal vs Chelsea. At that moment, I knew Cashify had won me over. I have had so much to learn and so much to share in this brief period here at Cashify. I’m confident that with time it’s only going to get better. You should definitely watch this space if you’d like to read up on some of the cool tech things happening at Cashify. So, until the next time!

