Casper Association Community Call: June 22, 2021

Secure, Non-custodial Wallets Solution on Casper

Casper Association
Casper Association
2 min readJun 25, 2021


On the community call this week, we were joined by Piotr Dziubecki from the Casper Association and Medha Parlikar from CasperLabs. Highlights were shared around the multiple milestones on the network over the past week, during which the Casper Network surpassed 100,000 blocks, had more than 100 nodes bidding on the network, and more than 4Bn tokens staked.

We also had guest Slava Demchuk from AMLSafe, which is currently testing their wallet solution on the Casper mainnet, talk about AMLSafes’ non-custodial wallet on the Casper network.

Here are the highlights from the call recording:

Community Questions

Weekly News Recap

Every week, The Casper Association hosts a community call where we give the latest update on the development of the network, discuss present and plans, and host joint sessions with our partners. Join us every Tuesday at 4 PM UTC/9 AM PST on YouTube.

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Casper Association
Casper Association

The nonprofit entity that oversees the ongoing evolution and decentralization of the Casper Network.