Decentralized bases are gradually becoming part of everyday life

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1 min readMay 16, 2018

For example, in India, the police of Andhra Pradesh has ordered the owners of the hotels to install the blockchain as a system of registration of visitors. The ecosystem, developed by the local Zebi team, is designed to collect and store hotel customer data. In the future, this experience will be disseminated throughout the country.

For reference. In 2017 India met 10 million tourists (hotel guests), and if to add at least 1% of the resident population (1 339 180 127) then for such quantity of data you will need a very large data warehouse. It is unknown how Indian developers solve the problem, but for the creators of Casper API, this is a visible confirmation of their forecasts — the information that people operate every year is constantly growing.

Casper API-is the first decentralized data storage, which is already under development, aroused the interest of participants in the market of information storage. Blockchain technologies used in the development of the ecosystem guarantee its participants confidentiality of information, loyal tariffs and constant access to information 24/7.

