Dozens of new decentralized applications appear every month

Published in
1 min readMay 30, 2018

Among them are versions of well-known messengers and services. For example, decentralized analogues have WhatsApp (Stealthy), YouTube (DTube), Twitter (Peepeth) and Google Docs (Graphite). And the developers of Dapps are not going to stop there. In February five US States (California, Massachusetts, Missouri, Montana, New Hampshire), launched a decentralized app Robinhood for cryptocurrency trading.

In other words, today a market of decentralized applications is being formed, but its development is limited by the lack of infrastructure. First of all, we are talking about cloud storage: they are expensive and unsafe — access to information can be obtained by government agencies, hackers, etc.

In order to solve this problem Casper API — infrastructure for data storage on any blockchain platforms with smart — contract is created. The solution developed by the team involves the separation of files into parts, encryption, and storage on different platforms, this approach ensures the integrity of information.

