In the future interest in the crypto industry will double

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2 min readJun 30, 2018

Do you know that the interest to cryptocurrencies and blockchain will double in the near future?

The study was conducted from March 26 to April 6, 2018 and covered 15 countries and each surveyed about a thousand respondents.

According to the study, 66% of Europeans have heard about cryptocurrencies and 35% agree that the crypto industry is the “future of online payments”. Another 35% suggested that the value of cryptocurrencies will grow during the year.

The share of knowledge about the crypto industry is equal to or more than 50% in each participating country. Austria (79%) and Poland (77%) have the highest rates. In the US 57% of respondents heard about cryptocurrencies.

Fewer than 1 / 10 surveyed residents in Europe, the US and Australia have ever owned digital assets. The survey showed that European residents who use mobile banking are much more likely to own cryptocurrencies (12%) than those who do not use it (4%).

Only 9% of respondents have crypto assets but 25% said that they intend to buy them in the future. The highest percentage (18%) of ownership of digital assets is observed in Turkey, the lowest (4%) — in Luxembourg.

Do you think whether the interest to the crypto world will grow in the near future or not?

