Reliable, safe and profitable storage of information

Published in
1 min readJun 21, 2018

Storing information is not an easy task, especially when it is neccessary to ensure its integrity. Modern cloud services are suitable for storing files but do not guarantee their privacy. This point is particularly noted in user agreements. At the same time, for those who operate with large amounts of information, the use of the cloud is not cheap and, as mentioned above, does not guarantee security.

Casper API team, having assessed the market needs for a reliable and profitable file storage service, has started to create an infrastructure for business, which is easy to connect to through Casper API SDK.

Also Casper API has several parameters that are key for business and Dapp:

Reliability. The absence of a single server makes the system resistant to DDoS attacks.

Fast content delivery. Providers are not limited geographically, user files are downloaded from the nearest provider.

Access to information 24/7

Cost. According to preliminary forecasts, the use of Casper API is more profitable than centralized competitors.

In other words, Casper API solves a wide range of problems. It offers businesses- savings in storage costs, developers of Dapp-ready infrastructure and reliable, convenient service, owners of facilities — the opportunity to earn.

