Well-known information stores do not meet modern security requirements

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1 min readMay 17, 2018

Casper API team, having assessed the scale of the problem, started to create an ecosystem for distributed data storage, which will complement the blockchain with smart contracts.

The platform reliability will be ensured by p2p architecture — its participants will communicate without servers and this will protect the system from DDoS attacks. Platform users are not limited geographically, this allows them to choose the nearest provider by downloading and uploading files at high speed. By the way, copies of the files are stored by several participants, making them available even if one of them leaves the network.

Confidentiality of transaction is achieved by transferring encrypted smart-contracts. Smart- contracts are encrypted by method of the zk-SNARK, which is also used in ZCash. This approach allows to use Casper API in order to work with DApp at the corporate level.

In fact, Casper API is not only a cloud storage service, but also an entire infrastructure for decentralized applications and for their interaction creators provide a set of SDK developer.

