Why is Casper API suitable for use in Dapp at the enterprise level

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1 min readJun 14, 2018

We have talked many times about the fact that Casper API — is the ability to securely store data on any blockchain platforms with smartcontract.

Our platform allows to use all the usual functions of cloud storage, such as content delivery (CDN) and storage of documents, photos, video content, 3D-models, audio files. But, why are we sure that Casper API is suitable for use in DApp at the enterprise level?

The thing is that to ensure the confidentiality operations with files can be performed on a private channel with a cryptographic protocol between the user and the provider.
The cryptographic protocol will be built on the analogy with the lighting network created for bitcoin.

It is this protocol that makes Casper API suitable for use in DApp at the corporate level.

Thus, Casper API is a decentralized infrastructure for corporate (and not only) DApp giving full transparency of transactions, easy integration through SDK, reliable and profitable storage at competitive rates, in comparison with centralized players.


