2023 In Review

Nick Van den Broeck
Casper Association R & D


As we step into a new year, it is customary to reflect on the lessons learned and trends observed in the past twelve months. As an engineer deeply entrenched in the world of technology and finance, 2023 brought forth a myriad of insights and revelations. Let’s delve into what the year had to offer.

Rust: Balancing Performance with Developer Experience

One of the standout realizations of 2023 was the continued ascendancy of Rust in the realm of systems engineering and high-performance computing. Its prowess in delivering blazing-fast performance is undeniable. However, it became apparent that Rust’s allure comes with a caveat — it presents challenges in terms of developer experience (DX) and testing. While it serves as a commendable replacement for the stalwarts of C and C++, its ecosystem still lacks the testability and convenience found in certain alternative languages. Nonetheless, for projects where performance is paramount, Rust has increasingly become the only choice.

Zero-Knowledge Proofs: Unlocking Scalability in Blockchain

Another area that garnered significant attention was the application of Zero-Knowledge cryptography in the realm of blockchain technology. The promise of ZK in enhancing scalability and privacy within blockchain networks proved to be a beacon of innovation. As scalability continues to be a pressing concern in the blockchain space, the exploration and adoption of zero knowledge proofs (ZKPs) offer a compelling avenue for addressing these challenges.

Financial Industry: Navigating Regulation and Risk Analysis

Within the intricate landscape of the financial industry, 2023 shed light on the disarray prevailing in regulation and risk analysis. It became evident that substantial simplification, automation, and transparency are imperative for fostering efficiency and trust. The emergence of initiatives such as the ACTUS standard exemplifies a path forward. By embracing standardized protocols, large financial institutions could enhance their ability to identify and mitigate risks effectively. For instance, the adoption of such standards might have forewarned impending crises, such as the case of SVB, years before their occurrence, thereby empowering regulatory bodies with timely insights.

Conferences: Insights from ZK10 Summit

On the front of academic discourse and collaboration, the 10th Zero Knowledge Summit (ZK10) served as a focal point for exploration and exchange. The summit showcased the vibrancy and intellectual fervor within the Zero-Knowledge community. As a nexus for researchers and practitioners alike, ZK10 underscored the pivotal role of such gatherings in driving forward the frontiers of knowledge and innovation.


In conclusion, 2023 was a year marked by significant strides and illuminating discoveries across various domains. From the evolution of programming languages to the frontier of blockchain scalability, and the imperative for reform within the financial sector, each facet presents its own set of challenges and opportunities. As we embark on the journey that is 2024, let us carry forward these insights, armed with a renewed vigor for innovation and progress.

