Litmus: Towards ZK light clients

Mark A. Greenslade
Casper Association R & D
6 min readMay 25, 2024

All proofs emitted by a cryptographically secured system must be verifiable by an independent observer with reasonable cost in both space & time.

owl verifying a blockchain by applying a litmus test


What is truth and what is a lie? For systems predicated upon cryptography, e.g. distributed ledgers, the mechanics of answering the question relies upon verification. The cyber-security maxim “trust but verify” underlines the fact that system verification is as important as system execution. Only by the former can the veracity of the latter be established.

Therefore it follows that all systems claiming to be cryptographically secure must provide a clear set of verification instructions to be executed whenever the system transitions from one state to another, e.g. whenever a block is produced. Verification is thus seen as a dynamic process shadowing the evolution of system state in realtime.

Who Pays
Verification, like any dynamic process, comes with a cost. Who is incentivised to pay the cost? Within a blockchain setting, validator nodes typically pay the cost and are subsequently reimbursed by the protocol’s reward scheme. Other system actors, especially the weakly incentivised, tend to simply trust the integrity of validators to foot the verification bill.

Simply trusting a validator is problematic when the validator turns byzantine. Whilst byzantine nodes typcially need to collude in order to compromise a blockchain protocol, in isolation a node can trivially spoof software agents requesting access to it’s on-chain data. Such spoofing can pollute the wider eco-system of upstream middleware services.

Within a mature blockchain ecosystem all entities should be able to trustlessly interact with the blockchain. It ought be relatively easy for software agents such as a wallet, an exchange’s backend, a system test platform, to programmatically interact with verified data and by extension receive realtime alerts of verification success and/or failure.

At the time of writing, within the context of the Casper blockchain, few if any entities are independently verifying system state. Project LITMUS is an attempt to rectify this situation. The project will roll out in threee phases:

Phase 1: Traditional verification strategy targetting Casper 1.X.

Phase 2: Traditional verification strategy targetting Casper 2.X.

Phase 3: Advanced verification strategy targetting Casper 2.X.

This article is the first in an extended series detailing the set of requirements for LITMUS, the design options, and the various implementations (as they emerge). It’s time for Casper to pass the LITMUS test, let’s begin by reviewing the set of cryptographic proofs being emitted by the Casper platform.

Proof Types

All proofs emitted by a cryptographically secured system must be verifiable by an independent observer with reasonable cost in both space & time. To understand such costs it is useful to review the types of cryptographic proofs to be verified.

Type 1: Hashes

Hash functions are algorithms that take an input (or ‘message’) and return a fixed-size string of bytes. The output, typically a hash code, is a “digest” that represents the input data in a seemingly random but deterministic manner. Hash functions are essential tools in computer science and cryptography, providing a means to efficiently process, store, and verify data. Their ability to generate unique and fixed-size representations of input data while maintaining security properties makes them invaluable for applications such as blockchain.

To verify a given hash, one must have access to the original data plus the binary codec used to compute the data’s binary representation. Utilizing the codec, one serializes the data to it’s binary representation, and then recomputes it’s hash by executing the hashing algorithm. If the recomputed and original hashes are not equal, it is highly likely that the data has been tampered with and a security breach has occurred.

Hash functions are the work horse of any blockchain system:

- Addresses: an on-chain address is derived from hashing over a public key.

- Data: all data (e.g. blocks) is hashed for verification and indexing purposes.

- Links: block N is linked to block N-1 via a hash.

- State: system state is represented using a cryptographic data structure known as a Merkle Trie that extensively utilises hash functions.

Type 2: Signatures

A signature is cryptographic evidence of a commitment by some party to the binary representation of some data. The party initiates the signature process by selecting a signature algorithm and generating an assymmetric key pair, i.e. a *secret* signing key and a *public* verification key. The Casper blockchain account space is associated with assymetric key pairs generated by one of the following ECC algorithms: ed25519 or secp256k1. To obtain the signature the party passes the signing key and the binary representation of the data to the algorithm.

Signature computation and verification is fundamental to encoding intents and signalling commitments. A user commits to a transaction by signing over the transaction’s hash. A validator commits to a block by signing over the block’s hash. Signature verification is computationaly intense and forms a large part of a node’s CPU footprint.

To verify a given signature requires access to the verification key associated with the signing key used to create the signature. The signature algorithm will error if the signature was not generated with the private key associated with the verification key. If a signature is invalid then it is highly likely that the public key is being spoofed and that a security breach has occurred.

Type 3: Merkle-Patricia Tries

A Merkle-Patricia trie is used in blockchain systems to provide compact, efficient, and tamper-proof storage of data, such as the state of the blockchain, account balances, transactions, contract storage, execution logs … etc. A Merkle-Patricia trie is deterministic, cryptographically verifiable, enables efficient retrieval of data, makes extensive use of hashing, and supports generation of proofs essential for light clients (e.g. Litmus).

From a structural perspective, a Merkle-Patricia trie is a graph like data structure formed by nodes and paths. A node can be classified as either a branch, extension or leaf node. A branch node can have upto 16 children and may contain a value. An extension compresses edges by collapsing nodes with a single child. A leaf node contains a key-value pair and represents the end of a path.

Whenever the blockchain processes a new transaction, the relevant trie stores are updated. Whenever the blockchain processes a new block the root hashes of the modified tries are stored in the block header — this ensures that the state of all nodes is consistent. If merkle proof verification fails then it is highly likely that the data under the merkle trie is being spoofed, and thus a security breach has occurred.

Type 4: Zero Knowledge

Zero-Knowledge proofs (ZKPs) allow one party (the prover) to prove to another party (the verifier) that they know a value without revealing the value itself. In the context of blockchain ZKPs can be used to verify transactions and states without exposing the underlying data. This property opens up the possibilty of building layer 2 scaling solutions that operate off-chain and periodically submit proofs to the layer one.

A ZK rollup is such a solution that works as follows:

1. Multiple transactions are bundled into a single batch for off-chain execution.

2. A form of ZKP known as a SNARK is generated over the transaction batch. The SNARK proves the validity of the transactions without revealing the details of the transactions.

3. The proof, along with the layer two state root hash, is submitted to the layer one.

4. The layer one verifies the proof quickly and efficiently.

Post Condor the Casper platform will be extended so as to optimise ZKP verification, this will require adding host side support due to the CPU overhead of verifiying such proofs within a WASM execution context. On-chain ZKP verification failures will typically indicate that the L2 has been compromised.


The state of a system ought to be independently verifiable. When a system is being secured via cryptography, one must verify all cryptographic proofs emitted by that system. In this introductory article we detailed the set of cryptographic proof types currently emitted by the Casper platform, we also touched upon future proof types.

However simply verifying cryptographic proofs is insufficient because no proof is emitted in a business logic vacuum. Therefore the next stage of verification involves verifying correct application of business logic. For example, were block finality signatures correctly computed? The next article in this series will specify sets of business rules pertinent to verifying the state of a Casper network.

