Why CasperLabs: Alon Goren (Draper Goren Holm)

CasperLabs Official
Published in
2 min readFeb 27, 2020

Why CasperLabs

At CasperLabs we’re on a mission to explore blockchain’s next frontier. We’re building a platform that pulls all the pieces together — one that paves the way for a new era of equitable innovation. As we’ve progressed through milestone after milestone, we wanted to take some time to highlight the support behind our project and take a moment to share with the community the rationale behind the support. In this special Why CasperLabs series, you will be hearing from a circle of luminaries, innovators, and leaders on why they have joined us on the journey to help blockchain deliver real solutions to the world’s most pressing challenges.

Alon Goren

To kick off the third edition of this series, we would like to introduce our community to Alon Goren, Founding Partner at Draper Goren Holm. Alon is also the Co-Founder of LA Blockchain Summit. As well as being an investor, Alon is the leader of one of Southern California’s largest groups of investors and entrepreneurs, 805 Startups, with a laser-focused eye on building and supporting startups and entrepreneurs. Hear his take below on how ushering mass adoption will come from easy to use and friendly solutions.

Full Transcript Below

Hey everyone! Alon here from Draper Goren Holm. I’m in Tel Aviv for FinTech week, very excited to be here, but I just got an email update from CasperLabs that their TestNet is going to be launching in March. Really super excited about this project if you haven’t heard about CasperLabs. They’re one of our portfolio companies and they’ve basically created a scalable layer one smart contracting solution. It’s a proof-of-stake protocol and if you’re an engineer or you’re interested in participating by staking your tokens you should really check them out. They were a part of the last LA Blockchain Week’s hackathon and many people were building on it. I heard a lot of really really great things, so especially if you’re an engineer you should check them out. Keep a look out for the end of March as it’s going to be exciting to see what they can do. I have a feeling that some of these new layer one solutions, and of course we’re hoping it’s CasperLabs, are going to be sort of ushering in mass adoption by making it easier and more scalable to create smart contracting enabled products. So check them out! Hope to see some of you in Tel Aviv.

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