Cassava Network Rebrands to Accommodate AI-Driven Social Data Value Mining

Obenze Ikenna Benjamin
Cassava Network
Published in
2 min readApr 30, 2024

Dear Cassava Community,

We’re excited to share some significant news with all of you today. Our team has been tirelessly exploring various narratives and opportunities to enhance the value and utility we deliver to our partners and community members. As a result, we are thrilled to announce our rebranding as an AI-driven social data value mining platform.

What’s Changing?

This transformation comes with several updates and enhancements:

  • A fresh look with new logos and banners across all our social media platforms.
  • An improved user interface and enhanced features for our web and mobile applications.
  • Continuous updates and expansions that will unfold as we progress.

It’s important to highlight that our quests platform will remain a crucial element of the Cassava ecosystem. Users can continue to complete tasks and earn CB Points, which are integral to our network and can be utilized for various purposes within the Cassava community.

Reflecting on Our Journey

Since launching in 2021, Cassava Network has been dedicated to bridging the gap between Web2 and Web3. We have successfully onboarded over 980,000 users into the Web3 space, providing them with unique on-chain identities via Cassava Avatars and rewarding their platform engagement with on-chain tokens and OATs.

Introducing the Cassava Protocol

As we evolve, we’re proud to introduce the Cassava Protocol. This groundbreaking initiative is an AI-first social data value mining protocol. It’s designed to create an open, collaborative AI data network that enhances accessibility across all AI systems.

In our commitment to decentralization, Cassava Protocol will empower our community with the necessary infrastructure to effectively manage, store, and share AI data. Members can earn rewards for their contributions, helping to transform Cassava Network into a premier distributed AI data network.

Our Vision Moving Forward

We remain committed to enriching the lives of our partners and users. While the familiar CB Points will continue to be a staple for task completion on our platform, we are setting the stage to gradually shift our focus towards fully integrating the Cassava Protocol into our ecosystem.

Over the coming months, we will delve deeper into various aspects of the Cassava Protocol and explain how it plays a pivotal role in achieving our vision of a distributed AI data network.


At Cassava, we are driven by our commitment to provide continuous value and practical utility to our partners and community. We appreciate your ongoing support and enthusiasm as we embark on this exciting new chapter together.

Thank you for being a part of our journey.

Warm regards,

The Cassava Team



Obenze Ikenna Benjamin
Cassava Network

Crypto Enthusiast, reader and content writer at Cassava Network.