From Web3 Marketing Tool to Social Data Value Mining Protocol: The Fresh Upgrade of Cassava Ecosystem

Obenze Ikenna Benjamin
Cassava Network
Published in
4 min readMay 23, 2024

Web3 represents a cutting-edge domain that not only embodies a new ideology but also continuously connects with various frontier technologies through technological innovation. It constantly reinvents narrative directions. In the case of the Cassava ecosystem, we are similarly keeping pace with industry trends and continuously expanding and innovating along with the changing narrative direction of the industry.

The DeFi summer of 2020, sparked by liquidity mining, led to the previous bull market. During this phase, we observed that the cryptocurrency industry primarily discovered value through on-chain behaviors and on-chain applications. With the explosion of on-chain applications and the continuous expansion of multi-chain trends, a large number of users are migrating from off-chain to on-chain. In this phase, the Cassava ecosystem aims to help more users become Web3 natives, driving more users to join and participate in various on-chain applications and ecosystems.

Initially, we positioned ourselves as a Web3 marketing tool to the market, serving as a conduit for Web2 and Web3 users to participate in various Web3 ecosystems. We are an important gateway to the Web3 world, and currently, we have launched both PC and mobile versions, including iOS and Android.

Within the Cassava platform, Web3 applications can publish a series of tasks, such as social tasks, DeFi tasks, gamified tasks, etc. Users who complete these tasks can receive corresponding incentives such as points and OAT, which can be redeemed for various benefits within the Cassava ecosystem. With this closed-loop traffic system, we have not only accumulated hundreds of thousands of sticky users who have completed KYC but also helped thousands of Web3 applications successfully launch and achieve long-term user growth.

Currently, the Cassava task platform remains an important Web3 marketing tool in the cryptocurrency field, with a user base exceeding 980,000. Through in-depth exploration and practice in the on-chain world, we have accumulated a large user base and industry experience, laying the foundation for the expansion of our ecosystem narrative direction.

Rebranding of the Cassava Ecosystem Narrative

With the integration of Web3 with more cutting-edge technologies such as AI, cloud computing, edge computing, etc., the narrative direction of the cryptocurrency industry is no longer limited to internal industry discussions. It hopes to continuously expand outward, especially after the success of the Bitcoin ETF, the cryptocurrency industry is ushering in a new development phase. In this new industry phase, we have decided to undergo a fresh upgrade in narrative.

One advantage of the Cassava ecosystem is that it initially accumulated a large user base as a Web3 marketing tool, and we have also accumulated a large amount of user behavior data and social data. We hope to further utilize these data for the development of the technological field through a new Web3 data governance framework with user consent and compliance with various legal regulations. Our first focus is on the AI ​​track. This new Web3 data governance framework is our new narrative, namely the Cassava Protocol for social data value mining.

About Cassava Protocol

The Cassava Protocol we have built is an AI-first social data value mining protocol aimed at establishing an open, collaborative AI data network called the Cassava Network, accessible to all AI entities. Through the adoption of technologies such as Fully Homomorphic Encryption (FHE) and Zero-Knowledge Proofs (ZKP), the Cassava Network is becoming an abstract distributed AI data network used for transmitting, storing, and verifying all user data on the network.

The Cassava Network will be collectively strengthened by community members to manage high-quality human-annotated AI training data and contribute to AI, realizing the AI-ification of social data value mining protocol. Similarly, by establishing an open collaborative AI data network, the Cassava Network provides infrastructure and incentives to community members to manage, store, and share AI data without permission, realizing value through participation in network construction and data interaction.

For Cassava Protocol to truly become an AI-ified social data value mining protocol, some important ecological and technical prerequisites need to be met. The most important part of this is the automation of data processing and the self-expansion capability of the ecosystem. To achieve these parts, Cassava Protocol has established a network that allows blockchain paradigms to work, used for collecting, storing, and analyzing user data to achieve ordered data processing tasks under an unordered expansion of Cassava Protocol. Ultimately, these appropriately processed data will become valuable and be provided to every participant in the ecosystem in different forms, allowing developers to easily join trustless on-chain and off-chain data in simple SQL format and load the results directly into smart contracts, providing support for sub-second queries and enterprise-level analytics in a fully tamper-proof and blockchain-anchored manner.

With a vast user social data foundation, Cassava Protocol is building the largest AI data availability center in Web3. We are poised to further reduce training costs and improve training quality in fields such as AI and ML, continuously providing fuel for the development of frontier technology fields.

The Largest AI Data Availability Network in Web3

Through the long-term accumulation of the Cassava Protocol, the future Cassava ecosystem will become a rich and comprehensive data system and will be able to provide support to enterprise users while ensuring privacy.

At this stage, Cassava Network plans to create a large-scale standardized AI dataset, where authorized data will be further labeled and modularized to drive the efficiency of data governance and become an important catalyst for more efficient operation of AI and other frontier fields.



Obenze Ikenna Benjamin
Cassava Network

Crypto Enthusiast, reader and content writer at Cassava Network.