New Task System Live at Cassava Network

Obenze Ikenna Benjamin
Cassava Network
Published in
4 min readJun 12, 2024

Cassava has completed a comprehensive brand upgrade, transforming from a Web3 social task platform to a distributed artificial intelligence (AI) data governance network system. This new system empowers users to take control of their data ownership and monetize its value, while also providing a robust data governance framework to empower the development of industries such as AI deeply.

Alongside the brand and ecosystem narrative upgrade, we have also introduced a new task system to better reward users in our new ecosystem. We will continue to offer a series of social tasks, where users can select from our task pool and earn CB points as incentives.

Collaborating projects can still achieve growth and user acquisition through Cassava throughout this process. However, during the user’s participation in various social tasks, and with the user’s authorization, we will leverage the Cassava Protocol built on the Cassava Network to collect and optimize user data and user habits for subsequent use in AI machine training, learning, and inference. When the data is utilized for the AI sector, we will employ Fully Homomorphic Encryption (FHE) technology to encrypt the data, ensuring that even during the data usage process, the information remains encrypted, thereby satisfying the stringent requirements of regulations such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA).

New Task System

The new task system maintains the existing user habits, where users can still select social tasks from our task pool and earn CB points by participating in them. Currently, our tasks can be broadly categorized into several types, including Twitter, Discord, Telegram, and some verification tasks.

On the overview page of each task, the task status and remaining time will be displayed. Upon completing a task, users will receive the corresponding CB reward and an OAT badge.

In addition to some collaborative tasks, the new task system has introduced a series of onboarding tasks for Cassava Network, including wallet connection, application expansion, and community engagement. Completing these basic tasks is an important foundation for deeper participation in the Cassava Network ecosystem, and these fundamental tasks also offer higher CB rewards.

Avatar NFT and Leaderboard System

Avatar NFT

Cassava has introduced a brand-new Avatar system. Upon entering the Cassava ecosystem, users will need to mint an Avatar as their unique identity and rights certificate within the Cassava Network. At the same time, the Avatar represents the guardians of African culture, with each avatar depicting a different African guardian spirit. Users are supported in customizing their Avatars.

The African guardian spirits symbolize the image and power of the divine, historically leading and protecting African peoples. Now, they will be transformed into the embodiment of protecting and managing digital information on a global scale within the Cassava Network. They will traverse the digital realm, safeguarding the integrity and privacy of data, while also powering the development of AI technology.

Each guardian spirit is associated with a specific data type, such as the spirit of wisdom overseeing knowledge data, the war spirit monitoring competitive data, and the healing spirit caring for health information. These spirits are digitized through Cassava’s AI protocol, and their power is manifested through algorithms, enabling Cassava to play a central role in the global data ecosystem.

Users entering the Cassava ecosystem can exchange 300 CB points to acquire an Avatar. As users engage in tasks within the ecosystem, their Avatar will continuously upgrade, with the current maximum level being 5.

Leaderboard System

We have introduced a leaderboard page on our website, where users can check their ranking position within the community.

To rank on the leaderboard, users must first hold an Avatar. The leaderboard system will rank the holders of each Avatar level based on their total accumulated points.

The current total number of users participating in the ranking is 9.9 million, which means we currently have over 9.9 million active users. These users will become the crucial drivers for the future operation of the Cassava Network.

At the same time, we will provide more income and rights incentives based on the users’ contributions, i.e., their rankings, as a reward for their long-term dedication and co-development with the Cassava ecosystem.

The launch of the new task system represents a milestone in the Cassava ecosystem’s development towards a new paradigm. This new ecosystem will now embark on a comprehensive launch, and we will lead millions of users to sail towards the vast cosmos once again.



Obenze Ikenna Benjamin
Cassava Network

Crypto Enthusiast, reader and content writer at Cassava Network.