Welcome to Cassava

The incentive infrastructure network built to improve lives 🎁

Cassava Network
Cassava Network
5 min readNov 23, 2021


Africa is the second largest continent in the world in terms of both population and land area, and many predict that its population of 1.3 billion people will double in the next 30 years. As economies across the continent continue to grow and as internet access unlocks new opportunities and access, billions of consumers will be demanding goods and services to meet their needs.

This increased consumer demand is already affecting the arts and entertainment industry. According to PWC, Nigeria will have the fastest growing entertainment and media market in the world over the next 5 years. The Nigerian film industry is already one of the largest in the world, second only to Bollywood. But supply is failing to meet demand. Hundreds of millions of Nigerians are still turning to overseas markets for media, even though many are wanting to support and consume locally produced content.

Be it arts, media, finance or other in-demand services, the biggest challenge faced by African providers is not simply meeting demand — it’s finding large enough networks to distribute content through. African markets are still separated by strong geographical barriers, preventing many from tapping into massive pan-continental markets. The same problems that prevent markets from growing across immediate borders also prevent them from tapping into global ones.

An emerging solution to these problems are crypto assets. Cryptocurrencies aren’t bound by geography, and decentralization means that people that have been victims of their state’s economic mismanagements can place trust in a new financial system. Africa already leads the world in terms of crypto adoption, and as more and more people realize the incredible opportunities this technology offers, adoption will only continue to accelerate.

It is at the intersection of these problems that we developed Cassava.

What is Cassava? 🔥

Cassava is a revolutionary token reward protocol built for the African market. We combine the security of blockchain technology with an innovative rewards system enabled by decentralized finance (DeFi) to create an ecosystem that rewards users, creators and developers alike. With Cassava, the benefits of Web 3.0 and the crypto economy is made available to everyone.

There are 4 key principles that guide the development of the Cassava ecosystem:

  1. To give creators a new way of monetizing their content, building their own digital economies and protecting their copyright and intellectual property.
  2. To quantify and reward specific positive contributions from users.
  3. To increase platform usership, subsequently improving users’ income streams.
  4. To connect African art, culture and labor to the global market.

Through Cassava we aim to not only connect African consumers and producers with each other, but to also better connect Africa to the rest of the world.

Cassava can be implemented into any existing app or service to reward users for their engagement. This allows advertisers, developers, content producers and more to improve consumer experience. And for consumers and users, your time is no longer being sold to the highest bidder. Engagement rewards allow you to reclaim your digital autonomy and get paid for what is most valuable: your time.

Our token, CSV, serves as a gateway for hundreds of millions of people to access crypto markets, and tap into its many benefits. The token can be traded, staked or transferred through our wallet, or redeemed for benefits in our network of partners.

Cassava Partnerships 🤝

Our greatest strength is our network of partners, and as this network grows so does the utility of the token. We’ve already partnered with some of the biggest names in African content, including Scooper, BoomPlay, Vskit and Ficool, and there are many more in the pipeline.

Joining Cassava as a partner doesn’t just mean getting tokens to reward your users — it also means cross-promotion in our massive network. Our existing partners service hundreds of millions of users every single day, and joining the network means getting exposure to these people.

Users also benefit from the size of the partnership network. Tokens can be earned but also redeemed, meaning your engagement on one platform can be spent on another.

The massive Cassava network is an incredible opportunity for emerging apps, products and services from both Africa and around the world to tap into one of the largest emerging markets on the planet. With Cassava, the world becomes more connected.

How Are Users Rewarded? 🎁

The Cassava token can be distributed to reward anything, and blockchain has seen the emergence of some truly innovative methods.


Content creators should be rewarded for their hard work, either per view or by selling their creations on the market. NFTs and engagement-based reward models are already taking the world by storm.


Reward users for not just viewing, but for engaging with content. Likes, shares and other forms of positive social engagement can be rewarded, giving content producers even more avenues to explore when it comes to promotion. This kind of reward mechanism can already be seen on streaming services like Theta and in the Brave browser.

But it isn’t just media content engagement that deserves rewards: engaging productively with any app or project can also be rewarded. In the crypto world in particular there are thousands of apps in every kind of market hungry to acquire new users, and they’re more than willing to pay to do so. Engage-to-Earn means that any project can tap into new markets and acquire users from around the world.


Create in-game economies with real value by making game currencies and items tradable in the real-world. Games like Axie Infinity and Revomon, as well as metaverse projects like Decentraland are leading the way in these markets.

This is only the beginning ✨

We’re working tirelessly to build the infrastructure that will change not just Africa, but the world. We truly believe that with Cassava we can do more than just connect users from different markets: we can have a significant impact on the lives of millions of people in emerging economies.

Thank you for coming with us on this journey, and we hope you’ll follow us for more exciting updates as they come.

The Cassava Team 🎁

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Cassava Network
Cassava Network

Cassava is a platform for users to earn rewards by carrying out simple tasks, and for brands to build communities and advertise to millions of customers.