3 Things That Make Cassidy Health Better

Jeff Loney
Cassidy Health
Published in
2 min readDec 13, 2021

1. We believe people come first in the PPT framework for a reason. The people|process|technology framework has been around since the 60s. It’s a good one poorly applied. Current solutions and innovations focus mostly on process and technology. People drive both of those. It is people — humans — that solve problems.

2. We believe just because you can spend more to solve a problem doesn’t mean you should. Recruiters, staffing agencies, consultants and BPO companies will all happily charge you a premium for their services. Maybe it was even justified 20 years ago. It isn’t today. Technology has made incredible advances in the last 20 years and AI is the new electricity. Today, we should leverage both to create new ways of engaging with talent. So employers can pay less AND humans can earn more.

3. We believe resumes are TERRIBLE! They’re over 700 years old and, honestly, who likes them? Not the people who have to write them or pay others to write them. Not the Hiring managers and HR departments who have to review 100’s of resumes. All formatted differently. None optimized for the requirements of their RCM needs.

We believe that in 2021 there is a better way to engage talent. We used our 20+ years of lived experience (& PAIN) to design a platform specifically for the humans of revenue cycle.

Expert, vetted and independent freelancers create profiles (not resumes) that make it SUPER easy for employers to engage with them:

· Experts that know your systems (we have identified over 800 in our proprietary database)

· Experts that know your medical specialties (100+ in our database)

· Experts that know your payers (we have over 4,000 of them in — wait for it — our proprietary database)

