The Startup Revolution is Coming…

Cast In Africa
Cast in Africa
Published in
2 min readFeb 1, 2019

For years the startup world has been saying this. Change has not been immediate but then again, change never is. I have observed an amazing trend over the past two years, one unlike the situation five years ago. This has been so rampant that I decided to make it my first blog of the year.

Four to five years back, young people right out of school were eyeing huge conglomerates for work opportunities especially through management trainee programs. Recruitment programs across campuses were aggressive with every student event pretty much having a corporate sponsor. The immense potential of graduates coming out of local universities in Kenya was evident to the corporate world.

However, I have been quietly observing a new trend develop where the new generation of intelligent humans I know have been actively targeting jobs in startups and younger organizations. In fact, I can confidently say that majority of the smartest people I know are currently working in/with a startup or working to make the move. This trend cuts across technical courses to business courses.

Here’s why:

  1. Bigger challenging responsibilities

I have nothing against corporate but millennials are looking to be more than just a cog in a wheel. We’re in search of constant growth, being challenged and fast-paced working environments. Out of the box, full of purpose and out of the comfort zone are key drivers.

2. Flexible working conditions.

8–5 work days are not for everyone. Having the ability to choose your work hours or being able to work in a t-shirt and jeans or to work from home holds more weight than you would believe.

3. Faster Career Progression

Millennials are an impatient batch as has been perpetuated over and over again. Waiting to rise the ranks over 15 years is a lot. The startup world is fast-paced and experience is key. Having an understanding of how startups work and being an expert in your sector is enough to build an amazing career in a relatively short period.

As I watch young people starting companies and organizations left, right and center, and hiring more young talent right out of campus, I can confidently say that the new economy is taking over in a big way. This will define the new phase of growth for the Kenyan and generally the African economy by 2030.



Cast In Africa
Cast in Africa

By Annstella Mumbi and Lisa Kimondo, researchers on the African ecosystem, exposing the opportunities that lie in the challenges that encompass the continent.