Rising Star Agata Nielsen: “I feel the emotion before I portray it.”

Castle of Truth
Castle Of Truth
Published in
5 min readOct 16, 2020
(photographers Kaner Suleyman & SnappyClicky)

Agata Nielsen is a Polish actress based in London. She has a strong background in improv theatre and immersive performance. Recently involved in independent short films productions, poetry projects and role play. Her approach towards acting is to be as authentic and naturalistic as possible.

Thank you so much for interviewing with us! Can you share your story on how did you get started in the film industry?

I came to London 5 years ago with the intent of pursuing my acting career and getting more involved with films. So I set up a Starnow account and started with being an extra in unpaid student films to learn how the camera works, filming and actors on the movie set. Over the years, I started doing lead roles in short films and extra work on big productions. Now I got an agent, couple of good auditions but nothing major yet though.

Who are you grateful towards your success and can you share a story about that?

That would be Jon Campbell, my acting coach. He was the first 1–2–1 teacher I ever had, and he soon became my acting mentor. Unfortunately, Jon passed away in 2017, but I was attending his classes and workshops for 1,5 years, and they majorly helped me with confidence, attitude, technique and life approach in general. I was very lucky to have met Jon, he was in the top 10 best acting coaches in London back then, and we just got on straight away. I still follow his ways and advice.

(photographers Boyce Real Photography & John Leigh Secret Studio)

Can you share the most interesting story that happened to you since you began your career?

In the acting industry, you keep applying and applying and hope for people to get back to you. Most of the time you don’t get the part. But once I got two leads in short films at the same time. And they both happened to be shot on the same dates. Luckily one was a day shoot, while the other was a night shoot. But for a week I ended up finishing one film and rush to get to the set for the second one, go to sleep late and start it all again the next day. Super tiring, but I loved it though!

What has been the biggest challenge in your career so far? How did you overcome it?

To find flexible work that would pay your rent but don’t get in the way of your auditions and acting jobs. So I have done sales, extra work and teaching assisting. These three seemed to work the best, well, before Corona.

What are your ‘‘5 things I do to prepare for the role” and are you able to share a story or example for each?

Every time I play a character, whether it’s a theatre, film or even a self-tape at home, I make myself believe that that’s who I am. I make up a whole scenario in my head, I imagine talking to other characters and how they react. I remind myself why am I doing or saying whatever it is, how it makes me feel, and I make those thoughts and feelings mine, so it’s real.

1. I read the brief

2. I pinpoint the characteristics of the character

3. I learn the script

4. I rehearse it at home

5. I think how I would make those characteristics come across

What methods or techniques do you use to find truth in your character’s behaviour?

I feel the emotion before I portray it. Sometimes I draw from my personal life, sometimes I make up stories in my head and relate to the character. But Jon used to say, — you have to feel it to show it, so people will believe you.

(photographer Alice Callari)

What are your top 3 tips for actors that are starting out?

You have to really want this. If you are not too sure, you won’t last long. Unless you are lucky, there are a lot of rejections, so don’t take it personally. Try to keep doing things, even if you are not working, go to see plays, workshop, chat to other actors or get new photos. And keep on applying, every day, few times a day. Mandy, Starnow, Facebook groups, Backstage, Spotlight. The more you apply, the greater chance that you will get something.

What has been inspiring you lately?

Realising how much I love it, how happy it makes me when I get to act. That I am good at it and even if I am not working much, at least I am improving myself.

What movie would you recommend watching and why?

I have recently watched ‘The Disaster Artist’ (Good Universe, dir. James Franco, 2017). It’s a funny comedy. The message behind it is that you don’t need to be good to succeed. You just really need to want something badly, go for it and do it.

What is one message you would give to your fans?

Acting and watching films, theatre is all about connecting with people, characters, emotions. Playing those characters is my way of saying ‘Hey, we all feel the same, we are together in this’.

How can our readers find you online?

Insta: https://www.instagram.com/agata.nielsen/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/AgataNielsen
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwaQswXdXR3-pRBMvWEmHlA
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AgataNielsenActing/

Thank you very much for your time and honesty! Wishing you all the best for your success!

