Why Mui Ne sucks?

6 subjective reasons

Claudia Ka
Casual Journeys
3 min readFeb 27, 2018


Wherever I look everyone recommends Mui Ne. If you ask about cool beach place or just a nice holiday spot in Vietnam you can be 100% sure that some Mui Ne fanboy will throw this name at you. For me, it was nothing special and there are countless more beautiful and more interesting places. We decided to run away after just 2 night we bought for start. We hoped to find some nice bungalow and stay there for a little bit longer. I have even read the whole book about Vietnam where the author was staying only in Mui Ne! I guess it’s one of the places you either love or hate. There is nothing in between. It’s hard to say as I clearly didn’t like it.

Mui Ne beach (nice, if you finally manage to reach it)

Here is why Mui Ne sucks:

  1. 🏖️ It’s the town where the beach is completely walled by resorts. While walking along the main street parallel to the beach you can’t even feel you are near the sea. And finding an entrance to the beach is very hard! We found one narrow, hidden passage surrounded by the resorts fences. In Vietnam, there are no private beaches and some people manage to reach it through the hotel areas. In my opinion quarrels with resort security, two times a day is rather not amusing. Even if I have every right to be at the beach.
  2. 🍔 Food. Hard to find good, Vietnamese food. Everything is for tourists so it’s easier to find a burger that Pho soup.
  3. 🦐 Expensive seafood. I heard that it’s one of the best places to try seafood. After traveling through whole Vietnam I have to disagree. Seafood in Mui Ne is expensive and usually in form of a buffet (which renders the whole dinner even more pricey). The animals are floating in sad aquariums for days.
  4. 🇷🇺 It’s dominated by Russians. That actually might not be a bad thing for you. If you speak Russian language and read Cyrillic alphabet you will feel right at home. But if not you are going to feel weird. It’s so Russian that some shops and companies have Russian banners and Russian only tour. Believe me, it’s strange when you go to the travel agency and realize all tours are exclusively in Russian.
  5. 🛑 Lack of authenticity. Everything is touristy. Again, no local restaurants or just local life. Only tourist shops, tourist food, and tourist bars. Everything along one road along the beach where you can’t even see the sea.
  6. 💰 Expensive. I heard that 8 years ago it was hard to spend more than $10 daily. Those times are over. Some products are even 2 times more expensive than in other places.
Biggest sight of the Mui Ne area — Fairy Spring

I don’t expect you to agree with me. It’s my opinion. If you are into beachy-party vibes you could maybe accept the Mui Ne or even like it. The weather is also ok. Typhoons often miss Mui Ne. That’s all. 😛

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