three.js and react: making a portfolio

Demi Lee
Published in
2 min readJan 22, 2018

I did it!

Last night, I published my portfolio using Github Pages.

It’s far from being done, though. I have yet to implement my work into the website and I also want to add a contact card somewhere. A GUI for the three.js sphere in the background would be nice too for users to play around with. I should have it finalized by the end of the week depending on how my schedule plays out…

The difficult aspect of creating this was figuring out react-three-renderer. The documentation is elusive and a lot of what I had to was look for examples and abstract concepts from them. Fortunately, that’s what I love about what I do… It’s like a never-ending treasure hunt.

A lot of the challenge in this was also in solidifying my knowledge of React. This was the first app I’ve created and can happily say that I’m excited to learn more about the library. I will definitely have to look for some resources on best practices and testing.

What I will try to do moving forward is to swap between learning new front-end and back-end stacks. After finalizing this website, my next project will be to integrate React with node.js in a IM application. I’ve had experience with sockets through Rails so it will be fun to learn how it’s implemented using

I can smell brunch now so off I go…



Demi Lee

full-stack developer | illustrator | casual gamer | foodie