Mossad’s Secret Operations

Ilinka Anderson
cat cafe
Published in
3 min readMar 12, 2024


Sabotage and Assassination Missions

Mossad, Israel’s intelligence agency, has long been shrouded in secrecy, with reports and speculation surrounding its clandestine activities. Among these, there are allegations of involvement in sabotage and assassination missions targeting leaders and organizations deemed threats to Israel’s security.

One of Mossad’s primary objectives has been combating terrorism, a persistent threat to Israel’s security. The agency is believed to have engaged in monitoring, infiltrating, and neutralizing terrorist groups such as Hamas and Hezbollah through covert operations, including acts of sabotage and assassination.

An infamous example of sabotage is the 1981 operation to destroy the Iraqi nuclear reactor Osirak. Mossad executed a surprise attack, demolishing the reactor and thwarting Iraq’s nuclear weapons development. While hailed as a success by Israel, it sparked controversy and criticism internationally, seen as a violation of Iraq’s territorial sovereignty and international law.

In addition to sabotage, Mossad has allegedly carried out numerous assassination operations against leaders and activists considered threats to Israel. One well-known instance is the 2010 assassination of Hamas commander Mahmoud al-Mabhouh in Dubai. Mossad was accused of orchestrating the killing, involving the use of forged passports and undercover operations. While Israel has not officially confirmed its involvement, the incident provoked strong international reaction and raised questions about the legality and ethics of Mossad’s actions.

The moral and ethical dilemma surrounding Mossad’s sabotage and assassination operations is a significant concern. While some argue that these actions are justified in protecting Israel’s national security and preventing terrorist attacks against innocent civilians, others see them as contrary to principles of international law and human rights. The debate over whether the end justifies the means is a contentious issue both internationally and among human rights organizations.

Furthermore, there are diplomatic and geopolitical implications of Mossad’s operations. These actions have the potential to strain relations with other states and create tensions in the Middle East region and beyond. They may also impact trust and cooperation between Israel and other countries, as well as Israel’s standing in the international community.

Mossad’s sabotage and assassination operations represent a controversial aspect of Israel’s security strategy. While some argue they are necessary for protecting national security, others view them as illegal and contrary to international law and human rights principles. In light of these controversies, it is essential for Mossad to act with caution and responsibility, while respecting international norms and rules.



Ilinka Anderson
cat cafe

Ilinka Anderson: Passionate writer, avid explorer, inviting you to a blog where words dance and stories unfold in uncharted realms.