Selfie of smiling fat woman wearing glasses and sparklie purple bat wing headpiece.
photo by author

OOOOO! Someone thinks they can tell my health without actually knowing me!

Revisiting another essay


Originally published on my personal blog on Jan 4, 2008:

Comment on my previous post from someone who refused to sign their comment, so consequently, it is now deleted.

Jist of the comment is they have decided that since I am a fat chick I MUST be unhealthy and will raise their insurance rates. They also claim to be a fellow UI employee, probably true, they posted thru Cactus Computers this morning and that is one of the local ISPs a lot of people use to avoid getting tied up on the university servers when the students come back. Not to mention trying to access thru the university from home is a royal pain in the butt, unless they fixed the access problems, we’ve had DSL at home for years, so I wouldn’t know.

A few things, I have mentioned many times before, I initially trashed my knee way back when I was young and immortal and thin. Vodka and water skis don’t mix, the damage you do WILL come back to bite you on your ass in later life. If you’ve read any of my blog I have mentioned this on several occasions, usually after I do silly things like climb up and down mountains in ratty old tenny runners. Trashing my knee the other night has nothing to do with my weight, I keep forgetting knees don’t like to…

