Fat Acceptance

Yes, I Am Fat. No, I Do Not Have Diabetes

The size of my body is no indicator of my health.


Black and white photo of a fat woman wearing cutoff shorts, leopard print spaghetti top, wedding veil posing out doors.
“The bride at 18+” (photo by author)

“I have the results of your recent blood tests. You don’t have diabetes (very faint sigh)”

That faint sigh and the hint of disappointment in my doctor's voice told me it was again time to find a new doctor.

Since I was a teen, doctors blamed just about anything wrong with me on my body weight. I hated going to doctors long before that. This just solidified my refusal to see a doctor if I could possibly avoid it.

When I was younger, we had the Presidential Physical Fitness Tests every year. No one liked them. I know I didn’t. One of the tasks was to run laps. Fine, if you like that kind of thing. I preferred running around on the playground doing things. Laps are boring.

Not to mention, if I run too long I blackout. Not just pass out, I mean my eyesight would first go bye bye and I would be running blind. At that point, I would pass out.

So, off to the doctor. My parents insisted. The doctor heard my symptoms, took one look at me, and said it was because I was fat and lazy.

Now, keep in mind that I participated in things like softball, loved soccer and bicycled everywhere I could in Concord…

