I visited Ethiopia and learned the Meaning of “Addis Ababa’’.

And a few facts about the country

James Kidiga
Cataloging Africa


Photo by Gift Habeshaw on Unsplash

Last month, from July 2–5, 2024, I traveled from Tanzania to Addis Ababa, Ethiopia to attend as a speaker in the Pan-African Conference on Girls & Women’s Education in Africa that took place at the African Union HQ in Addis Ababa.

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Hence, I spent some moments visiting places in the heart of the capital city of Addis Ababa. I had a talk with the indigenous people about a few things.

Addis Ababa is the capital of Ethiopia, the big city, that sits atop a plateau at an elevation of 7726 feet surrounded by hills and mountains, was founded by Emperor Menelik in 1886.

I was told the meaning of ‘Addis Ababa’, it means New Flower. Addis means New, and Ababa means Flower in Amharic, reflecting its significance as a financial, and cultural center.


Ethiopia also has mineral springs leading to permanent settlement. It’s a diplomatic hub, hosting numerous foreign embassies as a way of melting pot of cultures.



James Kidiga
Cataloging Africa

An education professional and digital lad striving toward Career Growth, Innovation, Digital Literacy, Leadership, and Personal Development.