Catalyzing Conversations on Clean Energy Transitions

Paula Gant
Catalyst by GTI Energy
3 min readNov 10, 2020

Consensus is expanding beyond the scientific community when it comes to the catastrophic effect of rising greenhouse gas emissions in the atmosphere. So with this increased alignment, what we are going to do about it — and how can we accelerate progress to the goal of keeping warming to less than 2 degrees Celsius by mid-century?

That’s what this space, Catalyst, is all about. How will we activate technologies that deliver scaled reductions of CO2 in the atmosphere? What systems and infrastructure are needed to transition to low-cost, low-carbon energy systems? How can we frame our thinking to assess the breadth of solutions and requirements that will shape integrated energy systems now to mid-century?

We’re interested in cultivating conversations and collaborations required to achieve the speed and scale needed to address the changing climate. This platform is intended to engage you and share new ideas for approaching the challenge of our lifetime.

Why “Catalyst”? A catalyst stimulates an action or reaction. A catalyst creates change, that can create more change — sometimes with exponential impact — and that’s what inspired our logo. In chaos theory, the butterfly effect is a small action in one state that has an outsized impact on a later state. Similarly, that’s our goal — to stimulate a chain of conversations that enable sharing of ideas and strings to collaborations that yield transformational technology breakthroughs that will effect transitions to low-carbon, low-cost energy systems.

So where to start? GTI Energy is particularly curious about ways to leverage gases, fuels, and infrastructure in new, cleaner systems. We see continued robust demand for gases and liquid fuels well through mid-century. We are curious about finding ways to cost-effectively decarbonize how they are produced, transported, and used.

GTI Energy has a broad and expanding portfolio of clean energy technologies and integrated solutions — including natural gas, hydrogen, biofuels, synthetic fuels, power generation, carbon capture and utilization, emissions mitigation, and infrastructure. We have deep technical expertise and experience across energy supply, conversion, delivery, and end-use technologies.

At GTI Energy, we are committed to leveraging this experience and know-how to identify pathways and accelerate transitions for new energy systems that protect the planet while enabling quality of life for the people that inhabit it.

We will explore research challenges to overcome with low-carbon gases like hydrogen, the future of liquid fuels, integrating new energy sources onto existing infrastructure, and applying systems-wide thinking through our Integrated Systems Research model. And we’ll highlight perspectives of leading energy thought leaders to ensure a broad range of perspectives and experiences are shared.

The curators of Catalyst are excited about the disruptions needed, and we are confident that we can leverage our capabilities to shape the effectiveness and speed of the transitions sought. We hope you’ll join us in these conversations to create the energy systems of the future.

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