Investing in Emerging Leaders to Tackle Energy Systems Transitions

Elizabeth Kocs
Catalyst by GTI Energy
3 min readJun 7, 2023

At GTI Energy, we believe that equitable and just energy systems transitions hinge on the passionate minds of the next generation of climate scientists, energy engineers and economists, and sustainability experts.

One of the things I do for our organization is lead programs focused on empowering the emerging clean energy workforce and equipping the next generation with the skills and knowledge needed to create a lasting impact on lives, economies, and the environment.

GTI Energy is committed to supporting and nurturing their aspirations through STEM education opportunities and active involvement in energy and environmental justice initiatives.

STEM Learning for Underrepresented Groups

Our Energy Transition Opportunities Program (ETOP) exemplifies GTI Energy’s dedication to creating positive change in communities. ETOP delivers interactive, STEM-focused learning to high school students and faculty from underrepresented racial and ethnic groups to spark interest in STEM fields and identify pathways for future careers. Comprised of two virtual sessions and an all-day learning opportunity at GTI Energy’s facility in Des Plaines, IL, the program offers students a chance to connect with researchers, explore cutting-edge energy projects, and engage in hands-on activities. We intend to continue to expand ETOP as one avenue of investment in a diverse, next-generation workforce.

Growing the Future Hydrogen Workforce

As a partner in The Midwest Alliance for Clean Hydrogen (MachH2), GTI Energy sponsors the Horizon Hydrogen Grand Prix (H2GP) Midwest, a global science and engineering program providing students with interactive experience designing, engineering, and racing remote-controlled fuel cell electric vehicles powered by hydrogen. This year, we worked with a high school team from Frederick Von Steuben Science Center in Chicago to compete in H2GP Midwest races in March and April.

“This opportunity enabled us to work directly with communities to create the local resources and talent with knowledge in hydrogen and renewable energy, contributing to the next set of energy leaders in our community,” said Kristine Wiley, Vice President of Low-Carbon Energy Solutions at GTI Energy.

Collaborating with Academia to Advance Clean Energy Technologies

Recognizing the critical role of colleges and universities in advancing the future clean energy workforce, we frequently collaborate with academia to foster innovation and diverse perspectives and empower aspiring energy professionals. Students from California Polytechnic State University recently enhanced their technical skills through a mechanical design learning opportunity at our Woodland Hills, California, office by improving cooling water distribution on equipment.

Tapping into Talents to Reshape the Energy Landscape

GTI Energy is dedicated to readying young people with the skills and resources needed to lead the charge toward a cleaner, more sustainable energy future. Through our initiatives, we have a tangible opportunity to reshape the energy landscape while championing an equitable future for marginalized communities.

Our success in driving the next great energy breakthroughs and disruptive innovations will depend on tapping into all our collective talents — with a diverse workforce. That’s why I’m excited to see these future investments pay off as we cultivate a skilled and passionate workforce ready to confront the urgency of the climate crisis.



Elizabeth Kocs
Catalyst by GTI Energy

Senior Manager, Low Carbon Energy Solutions, GTI Energy