10 Reasons To Go Into Web Development

Sonal Dev
Catalysts Reachout
Published in
5 min readAug 28, 2022

Is being a web developer a good career decision? Well, it depends on what you’re looking for in a career.

There are some qualities of web development careers, such as job availability and base salary, that make this option a great fit for anyone who wants a secure and high paying job. While good pay and flexibility are historically among some of the biggest contributors to job satisfaction, they aren’t the only ones.

1. Web Developers Are In-Demand:-

Today, the online experience is essential to the success of every business and organization. Without a web developer, companies are left using drag-and-drop web builders like Squarespace or a WordPress template.

While these might do the trick for some companies, many more rely on a web developer or team of developers to deliver the unique, engaging, and well-designed experiences consumers expect today. This is one reason the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) estimates that the web development industry is expected to grow 8% by 2029, much faster than the average.

2. Easy To Learn:-

You only need two things to start it, one is a good laptop and the other is an internet connection. Your journey starts with scripting languages like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, etc., and building good-looking responsive websites with them.

After gathering some knowledge ,you will explore various areas in it such as front-end and back-end web development.

3.Types of web developers:-

Web developers usually fall under one of three categories: back-end developers, front-end developers, and full-stack developers.

  • Back-end web developers create the website’s structure, write code, and verify the code works. Their responsibilities also may include managing access points for others who need to manage a website’s content.
  • Front-end web developers work on the visual part of the website — the pages visitors see and interact with (also known as the user interface). They design the physical layout of each page, integrate graphics, and use HTML and JavaScript to enhance the site.
  • Full-stack developers do the work of both a back-end and front-end developer. These developers have the knowledge to build a complete website and may work for organizations that don’t have the budget for a large website team. If you’re interested in full-stack web development, consider earning https://www.coursera.org/professional-certificates/ibm-full-stack-cloud-developer

4. Web Developers Earn a Great Living:-

Many web developers have a range of opportunities open to them once they start their careers. Just because you start out in web development doesn’t mean you have to stay there.

You may find you love the process of design and delivering on audience expectations for a website. Or, you may get interested in a specific programming language and get more focused on giving commands to the computer. Or, you might get the experience and passion to fully develop apps for yourself.

However your career evolves, web developer jobs are an excellent gateway to many other exciting tech careers.

5. Teamwork Skills:-

You must have seen how essential teamwork is to win games like Cricket, Football, Hockey, BGMI, etc. The same thing applies to web development. For a website to be successful, all the units must work simultaneously so that the website works efficiently and placidly. You must have noticed that a successful website consists of front-end developers, back-end developers, testers, etc. They need to be open to suggestions as well as feedback from their fellow mates and need to meet their end by the deadline so that others don’t lag. They all work on the same goal. Therefore, if you want to achieve in making a good web application, good teamwork is a must. With teamwork, you will learn, improve as well as strengthen your skills not only of yourself but of your teammates too. So, your aim should be to build a team of like-minded people.

6. Improve your connectivity:-

A website will facilitate things like expanding your reach and attracting more visitors to your business. Planning to make a responsive website design for your site will help make it accessible to an extensive range of users spanning several devices, such as tablets or smartphones. This will increase both your site’s exposure and organic traffic.

7. Web Developers Have Flexibility:-

Web development is an industry that offers a flexible way to break into tech. You can work part-time as a freelancer to earn income through a side hustle while you also nurture other opportunities. You can then grow that freelance work into your own business and work solo building web pages.

Or, you can join an established team and work with others to collaborate toward something great. Plus, the more programming languages you learn and skills you develop, the more that flexibility ultimately increases.

8. Develop Problem-Solving Skills:-

It will give you the power to contribute to the world. You can develop or improve your problem-solving skills with it. If you have an idea in your mind that solves real-world problems it will help you to create it. As a computer science student, if you have developed anything which has a good effect on the real world then it will definitely help you in your future careers. You can also participate in hackathons where you can solve real-world problems and hone your skills.

9. Open Source Contribution:-

It will also give you the opportunity to contribute to open-source projects and participate in open-source programs such as GSoC , Outreachy , etc. You can interact with various open-source contributors and learn from them. Open-source contributions have a powerful impact on their own and when it comes to a tech career, it’s a feather in one’s cap if it’s on your resume.

10. Self-Learning:-

There is no need to go to any institute to learn it. In the world of the Internet, there are tons of resources to learn it, and you can learn it at your own pace. In web development, you will learn front-end frameworks, back-end frameworks, programming languages as well as design patterns, authentication, APIs, deployment, and more. There are no steps that tell you you know everything about web development. It is a continuous learning process. One thing you will find in every successful people is that they have a very good understanding of their work. In simple words, they have a strong grip on self-learning.


How Do I Know It’s the Right Career Choice for Me?

If you’re still on the fence, it might be helpful to consider what personality traits and skill sets are often helpful for a career in web development. First off, an interest in problem-solving is vital. Web developers are often tasked with fixing bugs and writing code to solve issues. Anyone with patience and creativity will thrive in this role.

Web developers rarely work completely on their own, and a strong ability to communicate is a great trait for programmers. You’ll often work with project managers, UX and UI teams, and clients, requiring good communication skills.

Will be continued…

Editors:- Sonal Dev, Ankita Sharma, Piyush Nahar


