Artificial Intelligence Is Far More Dangerous Than Nukes !!

Anusha Patil
Catalysts Reachout
Published in
3 min readSep 6, 2022

Artificial intelligence is a branch of computer science, where people try to imitate human intelligence and thinking power. Artificial intelligence has become an increasingly powerful force in the world today. From machine learning to neural networks.

Artificial Intelligence is the upcoming major thing of this high-tech business. The innovation and research directed by the best tech companies are affecting industry verticals such as healthcare, auto, finance, retail, and manufacturing. Though technology has ever been a very important element for all these domain names, Al is bringing technology at the center of the company. From crucial life-saving medical gear into self-driving vehicles, Al is going to be infused to virtually every program and apparatus.

Robots or services that have artificial intelligence (AI). It is a threat to human life. The technology must control for the future of human civilization. Otherwise, it cannot save from the dangers of artificial intelligence. The only way to get rid of this danger is to control it globally.

Scientists Stephen Hawking said there is no other way than to argue and intelligence to survive the threats of nuclear and biological warfare. Now anyway the technology has so far advanced so that aggressive aggression can destroy us.

We have created technology that can destroy us and now we have to be ready for a time in which robots will do many things in our daily life. He also warned that we are in the most horrible times in the development of human civilization, people will be able to deal with this challenge.

Can AI Take Over Humans ?

Yes, it is possible. According to the famous machine learning researcher Max Tegmark, to actually get from today to AGI-powered (Human-level Artificial General Intelligence) world takeover requires three logical steps:

• First, we need to build a human-level AGI.
• Then, use this AGI to create superintelligence.
• Finally, use or unleash this superintelligence AI to take over the world.

If we successfully develop a human-level AGI, then the resulting AGI would be capable enough to recursively design ever-better AGI, eventually reaching a superhuman intelligence.

The fact that humans have managed to outsmart and dominate Earth’s other species makes it plausible that we may be similarly outsmarted and dominated by a superintelligence. Therefore, it’s reasonable to expect that a super intelligent AI could overtake and overrule us in the future.

What will happen if AI take over Human ?

Once Artificial Intelligence based machines become powerful and intelligent as humans, a lot of can happen to distress the humans. AI Software development services doesn’t seem to cease at that point however, several very smart people also think that this particular situation would be very dangerous indeed. Now, dangerous here means, that AI might take over human jobs. With the advancement of technology, it is believed that son most of the work will be managed by AI based machines. In face new technological tools are being developed which take over work in the field of accounting, marketing etc. already.

In a very simple way, we can say that AI, machine learning and software development is a set of great technologies that empower machines and computers. It enables us to constantly update the data bank via recursive experiments and human intervention. AI is only believed to grow and become bigger day by day. Hence, we should be prepared to succumb to the power of the Artificial Intelligence, and not be scared from it as it is believed to transform the way we work!

