AWS-Amazon Web Services

Smita Sen
Catalysts Reachout
Published in
5 min readNov 10, 2022

Amazon Web Services (AWS) is the world’s most comprehensive and broadly adopted cloud platform, offering over 200 fully featured services from data centers globally. Millions of customers — including the fastest-growing startups, largest enterprises, and leading government agencies — are using AWS to lower costs, become more agile, and innovate faster.

What is Cloud Platform?

The hardware and operating system of a server in a cloud data centre are referred to as the “cloud platform.” It enables the remote and widespread coexistence of hardware and software products. A variety of services are provided via the internet, or “the cloud,” via cloud computing. Instead of relying on local hard drives and personal datacenters, it entails leveraging remote servers to store and retrieve data.
Access to computing resources like servers, databases, storage, analytics, networking, software, and intelligence is rented by businesses. As a result, the businesses are relieved of the need to build and maintain data centres and computing equipment. They only pay for the things they consume.
Cloud not only manages remote data storage but also safeguards and recovers all lost or crashed data, so we don’t have to worry about crashed or loss of data, it gives you high security.

How Does AWS Work?

AWS usually works in several different configurations depending on the user’s requirements. However, the user must be able to see the type of configuration used and the particular server map with respect to the AWS service.

Advantages of AWS

  1. AWS offers a user-friendly operating system, database, and database architecture that are already well-known to companies.
  2. AWS is a very cost-effective service. For anything you want to buy, there are no such things as long-term commitments.
  3. It provides hybrid computing, centralised invoicing and management, and quick installation or removal of your application in any place with just a few clicks.
  4. There is no need to pay extra money on running data servers by AWS.
  5. AWS offers a total ownership cost at very reasonable rates in comparison to other private cloud servers.

Disadvantages of AWS

  1. For an intense or immediate response, AWS offers paid packages of assistance. Users might therefore be required to pay extra for that.
  2. AWS’s cloud computing issues, specifically when switching to a cloud server, could include backup protection, downtime, and a lack of full control.
  3. From region to region, AWS sets some default limitations on resources such as volumes, images, or snapshots.
  4. If there is a sudden change in your hardware system, the application on the cloud might not offer great performance.

Applications of AWS

The most common applications of AWS are storage and backup, websites, gaming, mobile, web, and social media applications. Some of the most crucial applications in detail are as follows:

1. Storage and Backup

The fact that AWS offers a variety of storage options and is simple to use is one of the reasons why so many firms utilize it. It can execute crucial corporate applications as well as be utilized for file indexing and storage.

2. Websites

Like other online apps, businesses can host their websites on the AWS cloud.

3. Gaming

Gaming applications require a lot of computational resources to operate. Providing gamers all across the world with the best possible online gaming experience is made simpler by AWS.

4. Mobile, Web and Social Applications

The flexibility to create and grow mobile, e-commerce, and SaaS applications sets AWS apart from other cloud providers. Companies can create uncompromisingly scalable apps on AWS using API-driven code without the need for an OS or other platforms.

5. Big Data Management and Analytics (Application)

  • Amazon Elastic MapReduced to process large amounts of data via the Hadoop framework.
  • Amazon Kinesis to analyze and process the streaming data.
  • AWS Glue to handle, extract, transform and load jobs.
  • Amazon Elasticsearch Service to enable a team to perform log analysis, and tool monitoring with the help of the open source tool, Elastic-search.

6. Artificial Intelligence

  • Amazon Lex to offer voice and text chatbot technology.
  • Amazon Polly to translate text-to-speech translation such as Alexa Voice Services and echo devices.
  • Amazon Rekognition to analyze the image and face.

7. Messages and Notifications

  • Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS) for effective business or core communication.
  • Amazon Simple Email Service (SES) to receive or send emails for IT professionals and marketers.
  • Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS) to enable businesses to subscribe or publish messages to end users.

8. Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality

  • In order to provide 3D online apps, E-commerce & sales applications, Marketing, Online education, Manufacturing, Training simulations, and Gaming, customers of the Amazon Sumerian service can employ AR and VR development tools.

9. Game Development

  • Large game development organisations that provide developer back-end services, analytics, and a variety of developer tools employ AWS game development tools.
  • AWS enables game producers to store and host game data so they can monitor player performance and adjust their game accordingly.

10. Internet of Things

  • AWS IoT service offers a back-end platform to manage IoT devices as well as data ingestion to database services and AWS storage.
  • AWS IoT Button offers limited IoT functionality to hardware.
  • AWS Greengrass offers AWS computing for IoT device installation.

AWS Pricing Model

The most trustworthy pricing plan is offered by AWS because it is so economical. For instance, AWS only requires payment for the hour that a user wishes to utilize a cloud server. There is no such thing as a five- or ten-year commitment with compensation. Additionally, there is an AWS free tier service that helps users get expertise with the AWS platform by providing free services with AWS servers up to 58 goods, which increases the affordability for potential consumers.

Happy learning!!

