Bootstrap and it’s importance.

Catalysts Reachout
Published in
2 min readNov 28, 2022

What is bootstrap?

Bootstrap is a very popular front-end framework, which be used by the developers to design the websites in an easy and responsive way.

What bootstrap contains?

Bootstrap contains combination of CSS and JavaScript files which will be provided, we just need to include it!, which will be further discussed!

We get some of the inbuilt classes which we can use and style the HTML elements easily!

Why bootstrap when we have CSS to design?

CSS is friendly, but in CSS we need to repeat certain things in CSS. In CSS there will be no pre-built libraries will be provided. But in Bootstrap, we get many components like,

which will helps us to design in a easy way!.

So, let us consider one simple example:

If we need to make a navbar, we get a basic navbar using bootstrap, if we need to change the styling of the navbar, we have small components like: button. So it is very easy to write code.

How it works?

To add the bootstrap in our code, we just need to visit Bootstrap website and copy paste the library which we require and run the code. else we can also download the bootstrap. It is left on the users.

This we need to copy paste, which will be provided in the website link. and download option will be also provided in the website itself.

Link for website is given below:

click here!

explore it now!!

Bootstrap make the website more responsive.

Features of Bootstrap:

  1. Easy to use.
  2. Mobile-friendly.
  3. Responsive features.
  4. Browser compatibility.
  5. Great Grid System.
  6. Extensive list of Components.
  7. Bundled JavaScript plugins.
  8. Good Documentation.
  9. Base styling for most HTML elements.

That’s it for this week!

Well, I hope you gain interest in reading the article about BootStrap and it’s importance!

