Building apps or nerve-wracking programming? Which suits you better?

Catalysts Reachout
Published in
3 min readAug 27, 2022

So, each student who enters the programming field will confront this quandary. I encountered that when I first began. The source of this misunderstanding is the belief that “if my job description requires me to design websites/apps, why should I spend so much time studying algorithms?”

Because on the surface, they appear to be two very distinct entities. Learning frameworks like React/Redux, Angular, Django, Spring Boot, and so on is a completely different experience from reading and solving issues regarding AVL Trees, Binary Search, FFT, and so on.

Okay, so let's understand from both perspectives in brief

Software Development

You get better in many ways by working on software development Your communication skills will increase since you’ll need to consult with your managers or colleagues about the demands of the product or the project’s tasks. In CP, it’s just you who is writing the code and increasing the rating.

One of the greatest things about software development is that you have a significant positive influence on people’s lives while also making their lives simpler. Just take a glance at you to see how many applications there are that make life simpler. Uber, Zomato, Swiggy, and Ola have a significant influence on people’s lives. These tasks cannot be accomplished with simply CP. Another good source of income for many individuals is freelancing, which is made possible by software development.

Competitive Programming

In my opinion, competitive programming is a form of mental sport in which you (or your team) aim to win a particular tournament by using your programming expertise to create code for some really challenging and intriguing challenges. If you fight through the early phase of difficulty in competitive programming, your programming career will go smoothly. It needs a lot of application, comprehension, and tenacity.

Software Development Vs Competitive Programming

Being a developer is not easy unless you have a passion for going for it. It requires time. It necessitates a culture of coding and product development. However, you cannot start out as a developer. You must have had a modest upbringing. Additionally, a humble beginning in competitive programming is the finest kind possible.

There are limits to how far a developer can get without having strong programming abilities. The developer will not be able to make his or her programme quicker, more effective, or more time and space complicated without strong problem-solving abilities and a solid understanding of data structures and algorithms.

They, therefore, require one another. Therefore, it is best to become both and aid oneself. It’s simpler to say than to accomplish.

If we look at the current remote work scenario, startups and other tech companies do not prefer competitive programming rankings. If you are good at development, then they would not have to spend time and resources on you learning new skills after recruitment.

The Verdict — Let’s Stop Talking Now

You can take the best course by being both. However, there are instances when you may choose to be stingy or diplomatic and choose to be one over the other in order to maintain your concentration on a more narrow area.

