Flutter vs Kotlin

What is Flutter?

Catalysts Reachout
3 min readNov 23, 2022


Flutter is a programming language which delivers your app into user’s device in a very flexible way. It is a toolkit, which allow developers to create beautiful interface in all of different types of screen.

Deep Understanding!

Let us consider a person has made an beautiful app! which is working properly! but the problem is it is only on IOS, so the developer will be eager to get the answer for the question “When it is coming to Android?” so basically, to available on Android he must learn Java, android development and then it reaches to Android which will be available to users. But this creates a problem for developer, whenever, developer need to make any changes he need to make changes in both.

He has to maintain on 2 places!!.

But still there will be problem saying, “The button you are using is not that great!!, too much space is provided!! etc…

This is because the developed app should support too many devices, (ie. responsive) according to screen sizes the re are too many screens size are available! so to develop an app which looks good on all these screens is difficult! Here where FLUTTER come!!!

Flutter also contains some of the concepts from Web design also which will add a value like: padding, Center etc.

How it works??

Flutter asks for a blank window!, Flutter will draw on that as per developer and user requirement by writing some lines of code! , as show below!.

This will create a flexible platform to all the screens and makes it responsive!


Why Kotlin??

Kotlin is a combination of programming languages which runs in Java based. Based on many other different famous programming languages like Java, Scala etc. by extracting some of the most flexible and important functions from those programming languages Kotlin was introduced!

Now currently Android studio (latest version) contain Kotlin by default!

We can build application for in Java supported machine, Android based software, browser based software using Kotlin.

But, Kotlin is not replacement of Java!

It is more flexible and easy learning language!

Here is the difference between Java and Kotlin.

Code example:

That’s it for this week!

Well, I hope you gain interest in reading the article about Flutter vs Kotlin.

