How Blockchain enhances cloud security

Catalysts Reachout
Published in
5 min readOct 28, 2022

What is Blockchain?

A blockchain refers to a distributed database or ledger that is shared by computer network nodes. A blockchain, like a database, electronically saves information in a digital format. Blockchains are well recognised for their critical function in cryptocurrency systems such as Bitcoin in preserving a secure and decentralised record of transactions. The novelty of a blockchain is that it ensures the accuracy and security of a data record and produces confidence without the requirement for a trusted third party.


Blockchain is a kind of shared database that varies from traditional databases in the way data is stored; blockchains store data in blocks that are then connected using encryption.

As new data arrives, it is added to a new block. Once the block has been filled with data, it is chained onto the preceding block, putting the data in chronological sequence.

A blockchain may hold several sorts of data, but its most popular application to date has been as a transaction ledger.

Because decentralised blockchains are unchangeable, the data entered is irreversible. This implies that Bitcoin transactions are forever recorded and viewed by anybody.

What is cloud computing?

Cloud computing is the delivery of various services over the Internet. Data storage, servers, databases, networking, and software are examples of these resources.

Instead of storing files on a proprietary hard drive or local storage device, cloud-based storage allows them to be saved to a distant database. As long as an electronic gadget has internet connectivity, it has access to data and the software applications needed to execute it.


Cloud computing refers to the supply of various services through the Internet, such as data storage, servers, databases, networking, and software.

Cloud storage has increased in popularity among people who want more storage space and organisations looking for an effective off-site data backup option.

Cloud storage allows you to save files to a distant database and retrieve them whenever you want.

Services can be both public and private — public services are delivered online for a price, whilst private services are delivered to individual consumers over a network.

Cloud security has grown in importance in the IT industry.

What is Blockchain security in cloud computing?

We’ve previously covered several critical principles in blockchain technology, so let’s dive into blockchain security in cloud computing. In an open environment, blockchain provides an innovative means of gathering information, making transactions, executing operations, and developing trust. Despite the fact that blockchain has garnered increased attention in recent years, the security of blockchains remains at the centre of the argument.

Cloud computing technologies may be seen as forerunners of blockchain technology. Therefore, since blockchain networks may be run in cloud security settings, they can play an essential part in blockchain implementations. Because the cloud and blockchain both include security protection measures, they are both immune to cybercrime.

All of the distruptive technologies, cloud in all of its forms hhas had the biggest impact and provides the foundation for most of the other technologies and their ability to disrupt.

Source: Ridge cloud

Storing cloud of things data on the cloud is a significant problem since this data typically contains people’s personal information, such as video footage, voice recordings, and other recordings. Any disclosure of such data might be hazardous. Many blockchain cloud storage firms, on the other hand, provide blockchain-based cloud storage solutions that can significantly increase security.

A blockchain method for decentralised cloud storage separates the user’s data into many encrypted parts and connects them using a hashing mechanism. Each section is kept in a separate location. The cloud storage blockchain technology secures these segments further and distributes them over the network.

Furthermore, using blockchain for cloud storage avoids data manipulation. Blockchain storage cloud solutions can trace storage and backup history to verify that no data is tampered with. Blockchain-based cloud storage systems are also more quicker, lowering costs and increasing efficiency.

As you can see, the combination of blockchain technology and cloud storage provides a safe and efficient storage solution with infinite storage space.

How can we integrate cloud security and blockchain by DevSecOps?

DevSecOps, which stands for development, security, and operations, automates the integration of security across the software development lifecycle, from initial design through integration, testing, deployment, and software delivery.

DevSecOps is a necessary, and natural progression in the way development companies handle security. Security was formerly ‘tacked on to software at the end of the development cycle (almost as an afterthought) by a separate security team and tested by a separate quality assurance (QA) team.

When software upgrades were only distributed once or twice a year, this was workable. However, when software engineers adopted Agile and DevOps approaches, with the goal of shortening software development cycles to weeks or even days, the traditional tacked-on’ approach to security became an untenable bottleneck.

Source : Micro focus

The Sec in DevSecOps

“The absence of security in the initial stages of System Engineering is the single most significant cybersecurity gap and risk in modern system development.”
Linda Rawson

When development teams decide to use DevSecOps to operate the CI/CD pipeline, they equip it with a slew of automated security tests, which may include vulnerability scanners, static code analysis, and other types of automated security testing. DevSecOps means automatically checking through to make things faster and more efficient.
Including automatic security checks early in the system allows codes to always update their work and test it at various stages of development, allowing the job to be continuous rather than when the developers have to run a test on fresh code written alongside that from six weeks ago. Maintaining extended work before conducting security checks can result in a series of problems that weaken the code’s functioning process.

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