Hyperledger Fabric: What is it? A new revolution in the IT industry?

Catalysts Reachout
Published in
5 min readNov 13, 2022

Before Hyperledger Fabric, let’s dive into Blockchain.

Blockchain, at its core, is a distributed digital ledger that stores data in any format. A blockchain can keep track of bitcoin transactions, NFT ownership, and Defi smart contracts.

While any traditional database may hold this type of data, blockchain is unique in that it is entirely decentralized. Rather than being kept in a single location by a centralised administrator (as in an Excel spreadsheet or a bank database), a blockchain database is kept on multiple computers distributed across a network.These individual computers are known as nodes.

Anything that can conceive of as a supply chain, blockchain can vastly improve its efficiency- it doesn’t matter if its people, numbers, data, money.

Ginni Rometty, CEO IBM

The method by which these new blocks are generated is critical to understanding why blockchain is regarded as very secure. Before a new block can be added to the ledger, a majority of nodes must check and certify the authenticity of the new data. They might include verifying that new transactions in a block are not fraudulent or that currencies have not been spent more than once. This differs from a standalone database or spreadsheet, where modifications may be made by one individual with no supervision.

Source: Gfycat

Public Blockchains vs Private Blockchains

Blockchains can be public or private. A public blockchain may be accessed by everyone, which implies that anyone can read, write, or audit the data on the blockchain. Notably, because no single authority controls the nodes in a public blockchain, it is incredibly impossible to change transactions.

A private blockchain, on the other hand, is administered by an organisation or group. It is the only entity with the authority to modify the blockchain and decide who is accepted to the system. This private blockchain procedure is comparable to an internal data storage system, except that it is dispersed among numerous nodes to boost security.

Introduction to Hyperledger Fabric

The modular blockchain architecture and mandated standard for business blockchain platforms is Hyperledger Fabric, an open-source project from the Linux Foundation. The open, modular architecture, designed as a platform for creating enterprise-grade applications and industrial solutions, employs plug-and-play components to handle a wide range of use cases.

Source: www.hyperledger.org

With over 120,000 participating businesses and over 15,000 engineer contributors working together, Hyperledger Fabric provides a unique approach to a consensus that allows performance at scale while maintaining the data privacy that corporations require.

The working mechanism of Hyperledger Fabric

It is an open, tested, and enterprise-ready distributed ledger platform. It has extensive privacy controls in place to ensure that only the intended information is shared with the network’s “permission” (known) participants. A Hyperledger Fabric network is made up of several organizations (or members) that connect with one another.

For example, a bank in a financial institution system or a shipping firm in a supply chain network are examples of organizations. In terms of Fabric components, each organization has a Fabric certificate authority and one or more peer nodes.

The Architecture of Hyperledger Fabric System

In Hyperledger Fabric, there is a concept of networks that allow member firms to join and connect. A channel is a tunnel via which one organization can communicate in secret with other organizations that have joined the same channel. Others who do not participate in the affected channel will never have access to its transactions or data.

  • Assets

Assets may be both financial and non — financial. The chain code transaction process in Hyperledger Fabric allows users to swap holdings.

In the Hyperledger Fabric system, assets are represented as a sequence of key-value pairs, with transitions recorded as transactions on a ledger route. Binary and JSON formats are used to represent assets.

  • Chaincode

Chaincode operations begin with a transaction notion and are then validated against the current state data of the ledger. Furthermore, Chaincode implementation includes a set of key-value entries that may be sent over the network and applied to all users’ logs.

  • Ledger

All changes to the Fabric’s value are recorded in a damage-resistant, chronological ledger. Every operation generates, modifies, or deletes a set of asset key-value pairs in the ledger.

  • Security

The Hyperledger Fabric is the foundation of a distributed transaction processing system that recognises all participants. Using Public Key Infrastructure, cryptographic licences are connected with organisations, networking equipment, app developers, or client apps. As a result, data access control can be governed and monitored at the network and channel levels, ensuring data security.

  • Consensus

Consensus is more than just reacting to transaction execution, as illustrated by its important position in the entire Hyperledger Fabric operation pipeline, from demand and authorization through scheduling, validation, and pledge. Consensus is defined as the thorough verification of the integrity of a block’s transactions.

Source :https://medium.com/@muntasirjoarder

What are the benefits of Using Hyperledger Fabric?

Many enterprises have successfully constructed blockchain applications utilising the Hyperledger Fabric platform and met their business objectives. Here are the five most significant advantages of utilising this framework.

Highly Flexible Architecture

Transaction Speed Is High In Hyperledger Fabric

Hyperledger Fabric Allows Private Channels

Backed By Tech Giants

Allows to build smart contracts

What is the payscale for Hyperledger skillset?

Source: Simplilearn

Hyperledger job are usually around $96k-$220k in US and in India, Employees who knows Hyperledger Fabric earn an average of ₹20.9lakhs, mostly ranging from ₹14.4lakhs to ₹43.6lakhs based on 5 profiles.

Thank you for reading. Stay tuned for upcoming blogs.

