Is learning to code a harder task?

Catalysts Reachout
Published in
4 min readSep 7, 2022

Learning to code is hard, but it can be made simpler. Some people can teach themselves and there is little difficulty. There are many resources available and yet people are still faced with similar problems.

Why is that?
To understand why, we should ask the people who have learnt how to code but struggled somewhere along the way. These are the few reasons why learning to code is hard:
1. Reading software documentation when you are learning how to code isn’t always helpful. It can be like trying to learn new language by reading a new

2. At some point people loose track of their learning. There can be a sudden leap in difficulty and people can become overwhelmed. Remember learning your times tables in Math at school? If you only spent 20 minutes twice a week learning them, it was never going to help you remember them. Coding is a skill, You will loose it if you’re not actively using it.

3. Coding needs to motivate you. There’s no fun in coding the same to-do lists everyday and doesn’t help anyone stay motivated.

4. Too many developers want to stay in their comfort zone. They can try to master whatever language or framework they know is best to the problem at hand.

5. Most of the new programmers take the trial-and-error approach to every problem and while that can be useful, it’s not always the best tool for the job.

Here are the few things which every beginner needs to remember before going ahead:
1. I still look back to the first time I wrote a piece of code. Seeing the first program ‘Hello World’ appearing on my screen after saving the html document and refreshing my browser, I got excited by the result. I expected
that I could become a good coder just by completing a tutorial or two. So I found some code tutorials online, completed them, but then I realized that I was not getting anywhere. That I was not a code pro, and I still didn’t have a clue how to produce a website or app. With time I realized coding isn’t hard. However, like anything new it’s not easy to start and how difficult a time one has with learning to code will vary across a number of factors.

2. Coding requires more time and more practice than I expected. To be a complete coder, you need to learn how to produce products, not just write code. To be a web developer, you need to be able to make a website, not just write out HTML tags. To be a mobile developer, you need to be able to create an app, not just construct objects in object oriented language.

3. Most coding training doesn’t cover these things, especially in universities and colleges, so it’s no wonder people get frustrated and give up. The reason
you might think it’s hard is because you’re not getting results. But you must understand that in order to develop your coding skills, you can’t just follow instructions blindly from a tutorial. You must take charge and start building.
Watching tutorials on YouTube is a great way to improve your skills but the key to advancing your coding skills is to start your own, self-directed coding
project. This can be an app, a website, or whatever is relevant to what you’re learning. It can just be a small project that will help you apply the skills
you’ve learnt.

4. Remember that coding is a means to an end. Your end goal should not be just to learn code, but to produce a product. Doing this will give you the experience you need to become a good coder, while also giving you a result of which you can be proud of. And when you’ve completed your first product, start another one! This is the way to move forward. The more you get used to creating things, the more you will learn as you go, and the easier coding will become for you.

“Everybody should learn how to program a computer, because it teaches you how to think”.

I will be back with good content again…

