Make Website in Five Minutes.

Rahul Harashetti
Catalysts Reachout
Published in
3 min readNov 5, 2022

Yes..! It’s possible using Tailwind CSS & TailBlocks.

What is Tailwind CSS ?

Tailwind CSS is basically a utility-first CSS framework for rapidly building custom user interfaces. It is a highly customizable, low-level CSS framework that gives you all of the building blocks you need to build bespoke designs without any annoying opinionated styles you have to fight to override.

Tailwind CSS can be used to make websites in the fastest and the easiest way. It’s a new way to create more effective websites by leveraging visuals instead of traditional text-based navigation. With Tailwind CSS, you can create a beautiful user experience without having to code every element from scratch.

Tailwind CSS helps you optimize your visuals by giving you the right fonts, colors, spacing, and layout recommendations to achieve good design. Tailwind CSS also helps you organize your visuals with an easy-to-follow grid system.

How Does Tailwind CSS Work?

Tailwind CSS uses this Golden ratio to create optimized grids and layouts for your product visuals, blog posts, etc. These grids are then applied to your website. Tailwind CSS also has a ton of other features like pre-made color palettes, fonts, and a ton of other features that make creating a visually appealing and optimized visual experience much easier.

What are TailBlocks ?

It’s a highly customizable low-level CSS framework that can help you to create beautiful websites quickly and easily, according to them. They have a ready to use block building tool named TailBlocks which helps to create responsive web components quickly.

How to use TailBlocks ?

Add this code to your html.

<script src=”"></script>

Go to TailBlocks Website and select the desired component and use it in your HTML document.

For Example

Image from

Now Click on View Code on top right.

Click on Copy to Clipboard on top right and paste it in your HTML document and you are ready to go with your output.

Pros of Tailwind CSS

Utility-First Fundamentals
Using a utility-first workflow to build complex components from a constrained set of primitive utilities.

Hover, Focus & Other States
Style elements in interactive states like hover, focus, and more using conditional modifiers.

Reusing Styles
Manage duplication and keep your projects maintainable by creating reusable abstractions.

Responsive Design
Build fully responsive user interfaces that adapt to any screen size using responsive modifiers.

Dark Mode
Optimize your site for dark mode directly in your HTML using the dark mode modifier.

Customizing the Framework
Customize the framework to match your brand and extend it with your own custom styles.

Cons of Tailwind CSS

Tailwind CSS is not a magic wand that will instantly boost traffic, engagement, and conversions.

It is only helpful if you are creating visual content for your website or e-commerce store. If you aren’t, Tailwind CSS won’t be helpful for you.

You must know how to properly use the Tailwind CSS features. If you don’t know how to design or use the code, Tailwind CSS won’t be useful for you.

You must have an understanding of the basics of design.

Some websites that are built on Tailwind CSS

  1. BobbyHadz
  2. TailwindUI
  3. Educative
  4. Linuxize

